Same here. When DS has asked for milk in the night I just say "No darling, it's not time for milk now." and then dealt with the tears - of which there were many in the start !!
In the beginning, I offered water - which he drank, but slowly, I've done away with that too. In my opinion, he doesn't NEED to drink water in the night - not in winter anyway. Even the water became a small prop in our house!!
Now, on the rare occassion he asks for water on waking I normally try to put him back to sleep without giving it and only if he wakes again and asks for water would I give it .
I found out the l o n g hard way that the ONLY way for my DS to sleep through the night is if I was strong and NEVER gave in. As I said before, we are now down to 1 NW per night and I am waiting with bated breath for that to disappear altogether - which I think (hope) will be soon.
I only wish I'd done it sooner - it would have been easier.
I would urge you to try too - it is soo hard in the beginning - I don't know how I got by on so little sleep - but the rewards are so worth it.
You CAN do it and we will support you all the way!!
Good Luck,