Then try not going in right away and see if he resettles
Oh yes, Colin is definitely something. Let me tell you about this recent conversation we had:
C: (out of the blue) "Mommy I'm the BOSS!"
then "Honey, I'm sorry but no you are not the boss. And how do you know what a boss is anyway?"
C: "I'm the boss of DADDY!"
Me, LMAO: "No honey, you are definitely not the boss of Daddy!"
C: "I'm the boss of MOMMY!"
Me: "Nope sorry honey. Mommy and Daddy are the boss of you so that we can keep you safe."
C: "I'm the boss of......."
Me: "How about if you are the boss of Sasha and Allie (our cats)?"
C: "I'M THE BOSS OF SASHA AND ALLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"