Author Topic: Not sure if this is an intolerance/allergy sign?  (Read 4212 times)

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Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Not sure if this is an intolerance/allergy sign?
« on: February 05, 2008, 22:48:05 pm »
So, Tyler may have failed yet another regular formula challenge.  Just not sure to continue or what. GI really is not that much help.  They can't give no definite answers unless we do a scope, which I understand, but don't think we need that anymore.

Tyler has had a history of major constipation with regular formulas, major gas and always grunted and not sleeping.  The only formula that has helped is Elecare (not even Neocate).  After 3 weeks on Elecare, he was like a new kid. 

Anyhow GI told us to challenge Nutramigen at 4 months old, which we did and within 2 days, he was crying from all the gas and pooping about 5 times a day.

So back on the Elecare we went.  He still is gassy with the Elecare, but not it is painful, but his poops are all liquid.  No form at all.  They even have mucuos in it.  However, he does seem like he is in pain.

So we were told to trial formula again at 5 months.  So I tried Carnation Good Start Supreme.  He has only had a tiny bit (1 oz. per 8 oz. bottle). 

Well today is day 2 and his poop is very green and thick and he is having a hard time passing it.  ALSO he is drinking over 40 oz. :-0  SO far today by 12:00 he had 24 oz. and then another 16 oz. by 6:00 this evening.  So I am sure he is still going to eat before bed.

Just not sure what to think.  I know your body needs time to adjust to something new, but I could not imagine what his poop would be like if it was like that with just a little bit of milk based formula. 

So my question is:  Maybe I should pay no attention to what his poops look like on the Elecare as long as he is growing and seems happy???  I mean I would think all liquid or diaherra poops are not good.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

Offline donna_issabella

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Re: Not sure if this is an intolerance/allergy sign?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2008, 23:41:44 pm »
So back on the Elecare we went.  He still is gassy with the Elecare, but not it is painful, but his poops are all liquid.  No form at all.  They even have mucuos in it.  However, he does seem like he is in pain.

Just checking, is he in pain, or not?

Henry has about 5 formed nappies a day on the Nutramigen, dark green and he passes wind like it is no one's business. Seriously. It sounds like a grown up  :-[  :(  It became worse after the bout of diarrhoea he had. But he is happy, growing and worse on milk formulas. His poop just seems to be burning his bottom.

It is a tough call. What is better? A happy baby with runny diapers? Or normal poop, but a baby that seems to be in discomfort? I would say #1, but I would also wonder if there is not something else to be done. However, Wendy, you have done everything. You really amaze me!! :)

Good luck on your quest!! I can't find Alimentum or Neocate ANYWHERE here in the area of Canada we are living.


Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: Not sure if this is an intolerance/allergy sign?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2008, 00:38:34 am »
:)  Thank you DI.  It is tough when you can't seem to ever get it right.

Nutramigen made him really gassy and was having like 5 poops a day, but they were normal looking.  At 4 months when we tried the Nutramigen, he seemed like he was in pain, but at the same time he does not seem happy with Elecare either.

Don't get me wrong, he is like a new kid compared to the first 3 months, but gosh he has his very very fussy periods now.

I am just wondering if it is even a problem with the formula now or if it is a combination of him teething and his personality.  Whenever he is awake he is really fussy unless you are feeding him or carrying him around. 

So, I think the Elecare deft. made a difference in the beginning, but it does bother me that he has all runny poops and mucous in it.  Also that is when he had blood in his poop.  The GI said it was because he had a tight anus and had a hard time pooping anything out (even liquid), so it tore him and caused the blood.????? 

His tight anus is fixed now since I did the anal stretches for a month.  He is able to pass the liquid all by himself. 

I have no other formula to try.  I guess I will just keep him on the Elecare since he seems okay most of the time and deft. is growing a lot. 

Sorry to hear about Henry.  You said his butt is "burned" by his poop?  Does he have a rash all over his butt?  Tyler just got over a stomach bug last week and had a rash all over his butt.  The Ped told me to put Monistat (the vaginal itch cream) on it 2 times a day.  It worked great!

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

Offline donna_issabella

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Re: Not sure if this is an intolerance/allergy sign?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2008, 03:26:08 am »
:-* to both of you!! :)  :-*

We have been using clotrimazole cream (canesten) for more than 2 weeks with every nappy change and he was on probiotics while and after being on antibiotics. We started using metanium ointment over the weekend - I forgot it at home - and it is making a huge difference. I think part of the rash is a food reaction which became infected. The metanuim is drying it out, and now it is getting better, at *%^$ long last.

And yes, Henry also gets a rash when he teeths along with avocado nappies/diapers ;) :P  TMI? ;)

I will definitely look into the Alimentum, THANKS a mil, Stacy.

Offline donna_issabella

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Re: Not sure if this is an intolerance/allergy sign?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2008, 03:45:06 am »
SHAME Stacy!! I am assuming it is gastro he has. 3 nappies in 15 minutes. WOW!! Ouch to the both of you. Henry's bum did the same, red raised and then the skin broke. UGH. each time we lied him down to change the nappy, he would cry, as he knew it was going to hurt. At least now he isn't doing that or squirming as much anymore, so I take it he is feeling it is getting better too ;)

Metanium is an ointment the girls from the UK swears by, so before I left I bought a tube and proceeded to ask my parents to bring me another tube. It is titanium oxide and a few other variations of titanium. It smells very hospital like and dries the rash out, which is why I think that has helped, because all the other creams kept it nice and moist for the yeast to thrive in.

I said to DH the other day I wish it was summer, as you could at least then have no nappy time in the garden, but I think at -20 degrees Celsius it might not be the best idea :P

Offline donna_issabella

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Re: Not sure if this is an intolerance/allergy sign?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2008, 16:43:30 pm »
The vasoline for changing sounds like a brilliant plan. I sometimes wonder if the Pampers wipes hurt him, as he cries alot.

Working away from home at the moment :( :'(  but DH said he woke btw 4-5 lying in the cot and crying. I think it is more due to teething - I hOPE!!- but his bum sounds better!
