Author Topic: I'm being CONSISTENT, He's getting CONSISTENTLY worse- please help!  (Read 895 times)

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  • i won't nap, I won't!
  • Location: UK me again......I have read all the FAQ and the great interview with Tracy but I am still having HUGE problems.
Been at home (other than a few trips out) for 10 days now consistently doing EASY. My soon to be 5 month old boy was going so well last week- textbook 4 hour EASY routine, and suddenly started sleeping in evening and only waking twice in night (one feed) responded well to PUPD when we needed it, and infact things were looking up and for first time since he was born, I felt I had found the answer to sleep issues. But this has got progressively worse. He has started only taking 45 min naps (last week 2 hours nap was easy) and waking fine and rolling around in crib not crying. So- then if first nap is like that, the whole day is off kilter. I have tried extending A time, I have tried decreasing A time, I have tried just watching for signs, I have tried increasing stimulation and I have tried decreasing stimulation. He usually falls asleep ok when he is not OT but now we get into bad cycle, he gets OT more than ever and I am losing my mind. I feel I have made things worse than they were before I started EASY and I am desperate to know what the problem is. I am trying to stick to a 7-7 day, Im feeding every 4 hours and doing a DF at 11pm (plus I do a 3am or therabouts feed still too) and I can't work out what to do.  Please can someone help. Why has it suddenly got so much worse? I have been religiously sticking to it and it's NOT WORKING. What would Tracy advise?

Is it his age? Is it teething? Is it that he is having too much A time? Too stimulated?

I am now thinking that this evening will be dreadful as he has only had an hour and half all day and it's nearly 5pm. I have been working so hard on this- totally dedicated and being really consistent, but its so hard when timing is off and feeds fall before sleep and then there is a huge gap between sleep and next feed.

Did I throw him into 4 hour EASY too soon?

Can anyone shed any light on any of this? Has anyone else found that day 10 is just terrible and it does get better? It is all very well and good teaching them to fall asleep and getting them into bed on time (he does go to sleep well) but if he is falling asleep easily, surely I have timing right, so why is he still waking after 45 mins, and although he seems happy, I know he needs more sleep (he is a happy soul in general so does not complain much)

HELP!!!!!!!! :o

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Re: I'm being CONSISTENT, He's getting CONSISTENTLY worse- please help!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 17:13:22 pm »
Am with you in same boat.  My LO is exactly same age.  We are on day 14 of 4 hour EASY and the naps are still 45 min and really buggering up rest of day just like you! 
Please can someone help?!?!  ???  ???  ???

Offline deckchariot

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Re: I'm being CONSISTENT, He's getting CONSISTENTLY worse- please help!
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 21:15:29 pm »
Sorry ladies that you're having a rough go.....could you post your EASY routines as they are and we'll start there?  Are you bubs bf or bottle fed?  What do you do for a wind down routine?  When will they be 6 mos?  Hang in there...I know it's hard, there are lots of ladies out there who know exactly what you're going we'll do what we can to help out!

Offline Mommylgee

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Re: I'm being CONSISTENT, He's getting CONSISTENTLY worse- please help!
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2008, 21:30:49 pm »
Hope you don't mind if I tag along - dd has lost all her napping skills and I feel like pulling my hair out.  I'd be interested in knowing what advice is given.  Thanx.
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Offline mumofbub

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Re: I'm being CONSISTENT, He's getting CONSISTENTLY worse- please help!
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2008, 09:06:25 am »
Am I right in thinking that 45 mins are very common at 4-6 months and they get a bit better after 6 months? My boy is 5 months today!

Anyway, he is breastfed and wind down routine for naps is that I carry him and talk softly to him, change his nappy and take him into the room, draw blinds and then lie him in cot. He usually goes to sleep well (unless OT) but still waking up after 45 mins.

Our routine is based on Tracys ideal 4 hour EASY. So a 7am-7pm today with 4 hourly feeds and trying for 2 hours A time etc. Even morning nap gone haywire now so that has just mucked up day- so yesterday was all over place. I know the problems with this schedule, it is far from perfect but this is why today was so bad...

7am wake, Feed
Activity- low key on mat with one toy- he is rolling all the time at the moment so he does that, and eats his feet (new skills)
8.50am Wind down ready for nap (have tried this at 8.30, 8.35, get the picture!)
9am Asleep
9.45am AWAKE....lying in cot happy, let him be for 20 mins, he was still awake and making crazy baby movements in cot
so I got him up- tried soothing etc but nothing was going to work-and he wasn't crying either so no pupd could be done.
11am Feed
11.30 ready for nap so into room
11.45 into bed and alsleep
2.30pm Feed (early as he was over window already)
3.00pm down for nap and of course it took forever to settle him because he was so OT
4.00pm sleep- 45 mins then did pu/pd for 45 (he was so OT so crying of course) then had to get him up (then he was so happy on mat....)
6.00pm Feed
6.30pm naked time and mozart on mat!
6.45pm warm bath
7.00pm bed
(out like a light until 10pm- go figure...)
10pm Dream Feed (early as I wanted my bed as was so fed up)
then he didn't wake again til 3.50am for feed (then gymnastics and schreeching and sleep on and off until 7am)

Maybe I need to dramatically decrease A time in morning. Tracy says in book 45 min naps are a result of overstimulation or poor routine or both. I hardly stimulate him in the morning so just dont get it. Now its been 3 days on 45 min naps I guess its a habit now.

Last weeks schedules looked like Tracys ideal 4 hour EASY schedule from book- he did it to almost perfection.

I don't know what to do. Can't use PUPD as he is not crying and W2S sounds risky given he is capabale of sleeping longer and I am bound to wake him- he is so sociable and easily wakeable.


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Re: I'm being CONSISTENT, He's getting CONSISTENTLY worse- please help!
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2008, 16:52:46 pm »
My DD is EBF, will be 6 months on March 12.  Wind down consists of nappy change, closing curtains, wrapping in blanket and sitting in chair while talking quietly to her.  At bedtime after feed we read story after feed, then as above.

Here is what yesterday looked like (typical):
Wakes between 5 and 530, leave unless crying
E 545
A 615
S 745 45 min

A 830
E 940
S 10 45min
A 1045
S 1220 45 min
E 1 (realized afterwards was early! oops)
A 130
S 240 45 min
A 330
E 5
S 6
DF 10
E sometime between 1 and 3

Sometimes am able to get another nap in between 4 and 5.  I have tried PUPD at nap time but very very stressful and only seems to make LO scream and cry more and more (pretty sure she is Touchy).  Often find her smiling when she wakes after 45 min nap, although sometimes still rubbing her eyes.  Have tried W2S only a couple times, will keep trying...difficult to get timing right but will keep at it.
Any other suggestions?  THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!

Offline deckchariot

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Re: I'm being CONSISTENT, He's getting CONSISTENTLY worse- please help!
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2008, 18:36:44 pm »
Thanks for posting your routines ladies...let's see if we can't sort some of this out....

Generally, 45 min naps mean your bub is actually undertired, though not always.

So, mumofbub, if he wakes at 7, I would push the time you start your winddown to 9:00 - and aim to have him down for his first nap by 9:10/9:15.  The hope is then that he'll sleep til he feeds at 11, and you would then start his next winddown at 1, to be in bed by 1:15ish.  Does that make sense?

Charsmom - If she wakes at 5, do you still put her down for her first nap at 7:45?  That seems like a long first A time for a 5 month old.  I would try to aim for just over 2 hrs of A time, so start your winddown at 2 hr after waking or 2 hr 15 after waking.  So, if she's up at 5, start her wind down by 7/7:15, even if you're not feeding her til 5:45.  If she's not up til 5:30, then start her wind down around 7:30ish.  Then the hope is she'll sleep til her next feed around 9/9:30is, then start her wind down no earlier 11.  Does that make sense?

Your wind downs look good to me.  Have either of you ever used pat/shh with your lo's before?  If they wake early, you can try pat/shh to get them back to sleep (since pu/pd wo't work unless your bub is crying).  You can also try w2s.  It can be a bit of a challenge to get the timing right, which is why I generally suggest doing a routine switch first.  However, if you try extending  A time (and I'd do no more than 10-15 min extra a day, for 2 or 3 days before you try anything else), and still get 45 min naps, w2s if your best bet.  It took me about 10 days to get the timing right with my dd.

If you try to extend the naps with pat/shh, w2s, or pu/pd, I'd only try for 30 min to extend, if you can't get your lo back to sleep, go ahead and get them up.  Then have some super low key A time til the next 4 hr feed (unless they seem hungry before then).  Then I would feed, keep them up no more than 30 min and put them right back to bed (because they've already been up for quite awhile) to try to recover some sleep.  Also, you can use the catnap time as a bit of a freebie to get them to sleep however you can if they've not napped well during the day.  Finally, put them to bed about 30ish min earlier in the evening as well if naps have been bad all day.

Hang in there, this is a tough time, and some of it is developmental and will sort itself out, so if you need a break from nap extension, take one and don't beat yourself up for it.  Let me know how you get on....

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Re: I'm being CONSISTENT, He's getting CONSISTENTLY worse- please help!
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2008, 14:48:58 pm »
Not sure my LO can manage 2 hrs. of A time...she starts to yawn and show other tired signs sometimes at the hour mark!  Maybe I'm just not hearing her for first while when she wakes up...could be the case.  I see what you mean about sleeping until next feed, that way you keep EASY that what you are getting at?
I was dong sh/pat for a bit and it got her back to sleep sometimes for 10 more minutes but now when I try to tilt her even a little to get my hand round her back, she just arches and fusses and won't let me.  Pu/Pd was a nightmare, all she did was cry even more and just screeeeeam her head off.  I expected her to do that but it just continued and continued and seemed to get worse with every attempt.  :'(
Have started to try W2S...see what you mean about the time being tricky.  However will follow your suggestion regarding extending A times gradually over next week and go from there.
Thank you so much for your help!  Will keep you posted  :)