My son Ben is turning 6mos next week. Ben wakes up every single night at 2am and then at 4am (withonly a 15min variance). I've been trying the sleep-to-wake solution with zero success. All it's doing is making me wake up 4times a night instead of the 2 to respond to him! I'm soooo tired and frustrated, I'm not sure what to do!
A bit of backgound... Ben has had serious reflux since he was 1mos. He's experienced a lot of pain and vomiting (to the point where it negatively affected his weight gain for several months). Since Christmas we've been able to get it under control; thanks to some tweaking with his diet and some appropriate medication, he barely vomits, has virtually no pain anymore and has been gaining weight like a champion this month. We really started BW right around Christmas. We've successfully gotten past having to do PU/PD anymore (unless he's overstimulated or overtired). I just need to be over his crib, and often I need to pat him on the chest (he's a back sleeper) and shush him as needed.
Ben started these 2am/4am wake-us right before Christmas. The problem at that time is he was still in the throes of his reflux and often vomiting during the night and/or having bouts of pain. As such, I would ALWAYS go in to his room to make sure he was ok, deal with the problems, clean up the vomit, calm him down if he was upset because of the pain, etc. Now, he expects me to come in and if I just let him be for a minute to see if he'll put himself back to sleep, he won't; his crying quickly escalates to catastrophe mode (oh, did I mention he's a Spirited Baby?). I have to go in to his room, shush him back to sleep, often having my hand on his chest. Fortunately I rarely have to do PU/PD anymore.
As mentioned, I've been trying the S2W solution: getting myself up at 1:10am and 3:10am, respectively, and going in to his room and rubbing his belly until he rouses (but doesn't wake up entirely), then giving him his pacifier, as described in the book. But this technique hasn't helped at all. I've been doing this for almost two weeks. What also bothers me about the technique is giving him a paci. I would actually like to wean him off entirely, but what do I do instead if I basically wake him up?
I also know I've become a prop for him thanks to the reflux, and I'm not sure how to fix this situation seeing as the S2W technique isn't going well for us. Even if he could put himself back to sleep, he knows I'll come if he cries and so he doesn't even try at this point. I don't want to let him CIO at night, but we can't keep going on like this. His waking episodes seem to be getting longer, not shorter, and I'm afraid if we don't nip this in the bud soon, it's going to get out of hand.
Any advice? HELP!!!