...I know it's tempting to want to do AP, like a bf, but she will start to expect it and then she might be more confused and find it even harder to fall asleep on her own. Just some thoughts...
Vicku, that's exactly what's been happening I think. even to the point of when she goes to sleep at night she wants to bf longer than usual (I have a post on that one too!)
Well yesterday was a 2nap day and all went well. as mentioned above, she did have a problem getting to sleep, as she is rather addicted to bf at the moment, but after a couple of minutes protesting in her cot by herself she was ok and asleep, so no WI/wo was needed.
Today she woke at 6.30 - we are getting more 6.30 or 6.45 wake ups now which is great with no nw since last saturday night (if you don't count her waking one hour after bedtime the other night.) so i'm happy that consistency with that is working well. She also had a full 2hr nap today, at around 11.30. so tomorrow will try for putting her down at 11.30 and see how we go.
thanks for all your concern - it's great to have a sounding board for this stuff.
over to vicku's post now....