Me again... Well she was soo tired, looked like she was going to sleep in her porridge bowl
still adamant to feed herself with the spoon though (she's been doing this a lot lately) so porridge was going everywhere!
Put her down at 9:05, she went straight to bed and woke up by herself after 45 min. Will try for pm nap about 1ish I think.
Bit worried now as OT getting worse, not better. Don't want to go back to 2 naps too often though. Guess I'll have to try earlier bedtimes again and hope EW doesn't get worse by that this time round. Can't wait til transition is finally over and I can have my happy, good-sleeping girl back!
Just one question, do you go to bed really early to be able to keep up with L's early wake ups or just manage on little sleep? Also, by bedtime do you mean the time you take her to bedroom or time you leave her in bedroom?