My LO is EBF and is 5 months old. He usually feeds at 7am,11am,3pm and 7pm with a DF at 11pm.
We usually put him to bed at 7pm DF at 11pm and he wakes for the day at 7am.
However, for the last three days, he has been waking up early for his dream feed at 9.30pm he is also waking at
5.45am hungry. But will go back to sleep until 7am.
This isn't so bad at all, but with the early wake up let's say he eats at 6a,10am,2pm,6pm then this sets the pattern for early dream feed early wake etc. The reason why I'm wondering is that he is 5 months and 20lb (big boy!) and I was wondering if this is perhaps a sign that he needs a little more sustenance? He usually only feeds from one side during the day and easily drains the breast in 10 minutes, but seems satisfied with that. It's the 7pm and dream feed that he drains both breasts in about 20 minutes.
Hope that makes sense?
oh also, we've been working really hard on our 45 minute naps, so the earlier feeding sometimes conflicts with nap times.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!