Author Topic: Resisting Dreamfeed?  (Read 613 times)

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Offline jazar31583

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Resisting Dreamfeed?
« on: February 15, 2008, 11:54:31 am »
Ok, for the past few nights, LO has only been taking 3 oz of his usual 5 oz feed at the dreamfeed, no matter what I do to him!!! He simply passes into an even deeper sleep! I don't want to really push him, as he is a reflux baby, but I wonder if I could do something to make it a more effective feed. I would say to push the DF back by an hour or 30 mins, but he has been stirring around the time of the DF. Last night he woke again at 1 AM, drained a bottle, and I didn't hear from him until 6 AM. Please help me to make this more effective for him!!! Here is our schedule:
E- 7AM
A- 7:30
S- 8:30

E- 10 AM
A- 10:30
S- 11:30

E- 1PM
A- 1:30

E- 4PM
A- 4:30
S:5:15- 6:00 (FOR CATNAP)
A-6:30 Bath
E-6:45, Wind down

Dreamfeed 10PM

He did go down about 30 minutes late last night, so I don't know if that has anything to do with it all or not, and he only took 4 oz at his supper feed
DS #1 Zack 9/20/06
DS #2 Benjamin 12/9/07
DD      Mary Ellen 9/23/09

Offline elmarie

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Re: Resisting Dreamfeed?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 16:31:16 pm »
I'm popping this over to the EASY board for you so they can check out your routine

Elmarie X