My baby has just completed 8 months and in the last month she's learned to sit, crawl, stand, and attempts cruising. With all that happening, she just doesn't settle for any of her sleeps. I cuddle and sing to her till she's drowsy and yawning, I put her in her cot and immediately her eyes are wide open and she's standing up. If I leave her to herself, she practices her accomplishments quite happily. Some days, she gets tired after an hour and cries and then shh-pat gets her off. Some days like today, she's gone 12 hours without sleep and then is OT by bedtime and even harder to settle. Now she's started waking exactly 6 hours after her dream feed and won't settle without a feed then, though that may be connected with the fact that she still has barely any solids and is a big and completely BF baby. Her routine is like this:
E- 7.00 am BF
A- 7:30 am, with some solids at 8.30
S- 10.00 am, for 30-45 minutes. Any longer than this and she refuses to sleep until night.
E- 11.00 am BF
A- 11.30 am, with solids at 12.15 pm
S- 1.00 pm, for 1.5-2 hours
E- 3.00 pm BF
A- 3.30 pm, with solids at 5.30, bath at 6.15
E- 6.30 pm BF
S- 7.15 pm
Dreamfeed 10.30 pm. I was going to stop it when she slept through the night a few times just before 7 months, but now I don't know what to do.
This has worked on a few days when I've been so desperate that I've sung her to sleep before putting her down. Before she hit 7 months and all the milestones, she was a fairly good little sleeper who needed just a minute or so of shh-pat before settling down and had occasionally slept through the night. I need to do something really quickly, because apart from her getting OT, I've got a preschooler who's getting increasingly resentful about having to keep quiet so much in the hope that his sister will finally go to sleep! Please help...