Hi all. Hope someone can help before my DH and I crack up with exhaustion.
My lovely 18-month-old son has a good night time routine and goes down to sleep by himself pretty well, including his daytime nap. It's bath, book, cuddle, bottle then down into his cot. He is pretty sleepy at this time and goes down well. But, he wakes in the night, anywhere between 1.30am and 3.30am. Unfortunately, I have been giving him another bottle when he wakes because he screams blue murder if he doesn't get any. Then, more often than not, when I try to return him to his cot, he arches and there's more screaming because he wants to sleep with us in our bed. I blame myself for allowing this habit to form as I was so tired and couldn't fight him for long enough during the night. Will moves around a lot when he does sleep with us so we don't sleep well and are feeling very sleep deprived. He does on occasion go all the way through, but I can't identify what the difference has been to his day/routine when this happens. We're just not sure what to tackle first to get things back on track, which method to use (WI/WO or PD) and how to go about the withdrawal of the milk. Hope someone can help. My little chicken will feel so much better for continuous night sleep, not to mention his Mum and Dad.
Thanks all,