Hi everyone,
Noah is not dropping his nap at all. he is happily napping but his nights are total crap this last week. he is just not sleeping through, or sleeping through every 2nd night etc.
I am sure he is quickly becoming OT.
Friday night was rough---asleep 8:45 (bed
, up 3:30-5:30, slept til 8, nap attempt at 1---play and asleep at 1:45 so we woke him at 3,
sat--bed at 7:45-and asleep at 8:15, awoke for the day at 6:45, out of crib 7:30, nap 1-asleep 1:10-2:45, bed at 8 and asleep by 8:20
not bad\but then awake 2:30-4:30am, talking and crying etc. I mostly slept through it..
awoke at 7:20am
so I am taking the approach of earlier nap, earlier to bed--even just by 15min---to see if that will help.....he takes along time to fall asleep at night anyhow