Author Topic: Balancing solids and nursing  (Read 1073 times)

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Offline AmyRS

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Balancing solids and nursing
« on: February 20, 2008, 17:28:48 pm »
I hope this is in the right section :)

My DS will be 7 months old on the 24th.  He has been on solids for about a month now, and this Saturday we started offering them twice a day.

I am having a really hard time with the timing of the solids compared to when he nurses.  We also are still clusterfeeding at 5PM and I'm concerned that is affecting him as well.  He is a big boy (about 19lbs) and likes to eat!

Here is our current schedule:

7am (or 8 sometimes): BF
11am - BF
Solids some time after
2:30 or 3PM - BF
Solids some time after
Cluster feed at 5
11PM Dreamfeed

I have tried all sorts of bf/solids combos, and the way to get him to eat the most solids is to do it before bfing, but I'm concerned about milk supply.  I also know that food is fun until one!  He will eat about 2 cubes worth if I feed him an hour after nursing.  My concern with that is that I spend half my day feeding him and it's hard to get anything done outside of the house!!  I also don't want him to get into a snacking routine.  If I feed him right after bfing he won't eat more than a few spoonsful.

As for the cluster, a few weeks ago he started to not want it a few nights a week, so I debated dropping it.  Then I think he went through a growth spurt because he wants it every night now.  I have been doing the 2nd meal of solids around 4PM in hopes that he won't want the 5PM feeding but I'm not sure if it's enough or not.  I don't want to starve him but I know he's a big boy so he probably doesn't "need" it. 

Should I drop the cluster?  I think we will be dropping the dreamfeed within the next few months and I know you're supposed to bring BACK the cluster for that so is it even worth it?

I hope all of this makes sense :)  Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give!   :)

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Re: Balancing solids and nursing
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 19:12:08 pm »
Well, you're definitely on the right track! You're right, food is just for practice, so it's good that you aren't worrying about his solids intake. We did solids meals 30 min-1 hr after bf and the timing of that worked out well. "Dinner" was the exception...I offered that at 5 (about 2 hrs after bf) instead of the cluster feed, so I'd bf at 3, do solids at 5, then bedtime bf at 7. Does that make sense?

I don't think you're supposed to bring back the cluster feed when you drop the dreamfeed. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here!

TBH, until solids becomes his main source of nutrition after he turns 1, you probably WILL feel like all you do is feed him all day. I know I did! I battled that with both kids by doing a lot of feeding while we were out and about, whether it was bf or solids. I had a little insulated lunch box that I'd pack with solids, bib, ice pack (if needed), spoons, wipes, etc. There are all kinds of gadgets out there to heat food on the go or you could just get your LO used to cold/room temp food. That was my way to avoid being housebound! It won't be long before your LO starts finger foods, too, and that makes it even easier to eat on the go.

I know the frequency of eating makes it seem like he's snacking, but babies and toddlers HAVE to eat more often than adults. They have tiny tummies and need lots of calories to keep them going. Most toddlers eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. The type of snacking you want to avoid is where your LO eats tiny amounts constantly throughout the day with no consistent routine. Does that make sense?
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Re: Balancing solids and nursing
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2008, 21:06:41 pm »
i was going to post a thread the same as this. my DS #2 is also 7 months old and his feeding routine is:

7:00am bf
9:30am bf
11:15am bf before nap
11:30am 1.5 hour nap
1:00pm bf
2:30pm bf before nap
3:00pm 1.5 hour nap
5:00pm solids
6:00pm-8:00pm cluster fed
9:00 bf for nap
9:30pm 1 hour nap
10:30pm bf
1:00am bf
2:30am bf
4:00am bf
5:00am bf
6:00am bf
back to the top for a new day.

The night feeds have got more often since he has cut his first and second teeth within a week but he has never slept through the night other than the rare night here and their.


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Re: Balancing solids and nursing
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2008, 21:38:25 pm »
Melissa has made some very good points.  Especially about trying to get your lo used to cold/room temperature food.  We go out everyday and I often have to feed ds on the go or in the backseat of the car.  I sometimes get odd looks from strangers as I feed ds his meals at the library for dd's storytime but I also get looks of understanding from other moms.  I'm waiting for the day where ds is more efficient on finger food so we wouldn't have to sit still for him to finish his meals. 

Offline AmyRS

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Re: Balancing solids and nursing
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2008, 00:03:04 am »
Melissa - Thank you so much for your advice!  I have thought about doing solids on the go, but he is a VERY messy eater.  He insists on using grabbing my hand to bring the spoon to his mouth every time and although he has great aim, it's not the cleanest event ever LOL  Hopefully in a few weeks once he gets a little better at it we can be out and about.  However, if I do the solids at 5 then that gives me a good chunk of time in the afternoon to run errands, etc.  I have always nursed on the run so I think that is contributing to my frustration about solids!!

Mimi - So far DS has had only lukewarm foods - I put the dish in the sink with hot water for a few minutes to heat it up a little, so I think that's a great idea to get them used to that temp.  I can imagine what our library group would say if I popped out some solids! LOL  Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!

My next question is this................

For the past 2 days I have tried nursing at 2:30/3, solids at 5, and the nursing at 7 bedtime.  Today he ate almost 3 cubes of food at 5 so improvement there.  At bedtime though, he has been SO HUNGRY that I had to switch him to the other breast because I had nothing left!!!!  First time I've ever encountered that.

My concern now is that he is too hungry still to be dropping that feed.  Maybe over a few days he will adjust and eat even more solids in place of the nursing?  Or maybe I shouldn't be dropping it cold turkey?

Any advice on that?   :)


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Re: Balancing solids and nursing
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2008, 00:54:25 am »
I too have found that ds wanted to nurse more often when he first started solids.  My mom said it is b/c his stomach is beginning to stretch to accommodate for the increase in the solids later on.   ::)  Anyway, I wouldn't cutback on the number of milk feedings until closer to 1 yr.  The nurse at our clinic told me that until he is taking in about 1/3 cup per meal then it is best not to reduce the milk intake.  Also the bedtime milk feed was the last one I weaned for dd.  Well even now dd gets an 8 oz cup of milk as part of her bedtime snack after dinner.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 01:02:38 am by lil'monkey »

Offline AmyRS

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Re: Balancing solids and nursing
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2008, 01:04:20 am »
The feed I'm referring to is the 5PM cluster that I have been doing - even with droppnig that he would still be getting 5 nursing sessions in a day (with the DF).  I really want to drop the cluster but I'm not sure how because it seems like he is hungry enough to still need it   :-\


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Re: Balancing solids and nursing
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2008, 01:26:16 am » could try to drop it but you need to add in a meal to make up for the calories.  DS has 3 meals plus 4/5 milk feeds.  I tend to space the solids and milk feeds about 2 hrs apart as this seems to be the best way for ds to still take the solids and take a full feed.  Maybe you could give it a try for afew days.