Well, you're definitely on the right track! You're right, food is just for practice, so it's good that you aren't worrying about his solids intake. We did solids meals 30 min-1 hr after bf and the timing of that worked out well. "Dinner" was the exception...I offered that at 5 (about 2 hrs after bf) instead of the cluster feed, so I'd bf at 3, do solids at 5, then bedtime bf at 7. Does that make sense?
I don't think you're supposed to bring back the cluster feed when you drop the dreamfeed. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong here!
TBH, until solids becomes his main source of nutrition after he turns 1, you probably WILL feel like all you do is feed him all day. I know I did! I battled that with both kids by doing a lot of feeding while we were out and about, whether it was bf or solids. I had a little insulated lunch box that I'd pack with solids, bib, ice pack (if needed), spoons, wipes, etc. There are all kinds of gadgets out there to heat food on the go or you could just get your LO used to cold/room temp food. That was my way to avoid being housebound! It won't be long before your LO starts finger foods, too, and that makes it even easier to eat on the go.
I know the frequency of eating makes it seem like he's snacking, but babies and toddlers HAVE to eat more often than adults. They have tiny tummies and need lots of calories to keep them going. Most toddlers eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks. The type of snacking you want to avoid is where your LO eats tiny amounts constantly throughout the day with no consistent routine. Does that make sense?