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Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« on: February 23, 2008, 22:25:03 pm »
Bear with me, lots of rambling thought here…

I just want to preface this by saying that bf is incredibly important to me and my family.  I bf Riley for about 15 months, and I was so happy with that, considering we had a rough start with jaundice, supplementing with formula for the first few days (didn’t know any better at the time), his tongue-tie, my flat nipples etc.
Nursing is going really well with Kate at the moment, she is gaining weight very well, happy and thriving. I am concerned about my milk supply now that she is sleeping longer stretches at night. She will usually have one night feeding, last night she had none, on a rare night she will have two.  But more and more, it’s just usually one night feed, a few minutes on one side.

When I was 18, I was diagnosed with hyperprolactinaemia, a condition where your pituitary gland produces way too much prolactin. The medication I was on to suppress it can have long term affects and can affect your ability to produce milk afterwards. Catch 22: without the meds, I would never have gotten pregnant, because of them, my prolactin levels may never be “normal”. My milk was late coming in this time, I was having problems with latching, so was pumping…I was also taking domperidone, fenugreek and blessed thistle to get it to come in. Right now, I obviously have a full supply, but am worried about what will happen if she stops feeding at night.

Should I wake to pump? Right now, I usually pump once when she goes down for the night before she goes to bed.  Will this be enough, or am I stressing about nothing? Of course, I know things can change at any time, and next week she might be nursing all night long! It’s just really important to me to nurse my baby, and it’s a sensitive issue for me. It was quite upsetting for me when my milk came in late, so much so, I haven't even been able to say it to anyone until now.

Thanks for any thoughts you may have xx


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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 22:26:43 pm »
I also want to mention, that anytime I have tried to encourage her to nurse more at night has been met with resistance, she really will not latch on unless it's initiated by her. Otherwise I would wake her to feed.

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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 23:03:26 pm »
Hi Michelle,

It sounds like you are doing a really great job. I think you're committment to bfing is really great. :)

I am sure you are going to get more specific advice from others on these boards, but I just wanted to say that if you are having these concerns and you are physically able to do it, I would get up and pump during the night.  It will probably make you feel more secure about your supply and as long as you take measures not to become engorged I cannot really see any harm, only the benefit of peace of mind.
It shouldn't be too much longer that your dd will need to have the middle of the night feedings (I am assuming, anyway) so you can just do it until she is regularly sttn...

Enjoy bfing she looks like a very sweet lo x
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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2008, 23:06:47 pm »
Michelle, normally I would just encourage you to go with the flow, as it were, but with your particular situation....I dunno.  I suspect I'd be paranoid about supply too and want to ensure a night feed.  I know nightfeeds within the first 6 weeks can help establish supply for later on, and you've passed that time....  I think what I'D do, is that if she goes more than 1 night not waking for a feed (you're doing a dreamfeed too?), then I'd get up to pump.  If she starts waking again, I'd stop.  I'd probably try to keep that up for a couple of months....I know once you pass the 3 month stage, supply seems to really set in better.  But that's me.  I also know that having restful sleep overnight for YOU can help supply, so I'd be hesitant to disrupt your sleep too much.  I think it hinges more on the dreamfeed....if you're doing one, then maybe pump after if it's not much of a feed, and if you're not doing it, then definitely keep pumping then.  And maybe just let yourself sleep all night if you can.  OK, now I'M rambling!  Sorry! :-\
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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2008, 23:18:30 pm »
First, I think it's great that you are so commited to bfing and that you were able to for so long with your first lo. How many times is your dd nursing during the day? Are you cluster feeding and doing the df? Is her weight gain going well and does she have the appropriate number of wet diapers? If your answer is yes I would hesitate to wake her for a feed, if she is hungry she will wake on her own! I probably would not get up in the night to pump, it will send your body a message to make more milk (that doesn't sound like it's needed). When she has growth spurts she may start to wake to feed throughout the night but your body will send a message to make more milk for those times.

Of course, if it makes you feel more at ease to wake to pump, by all means go ahead, you can store the milk. Remember, you did a great job bfing with your first lo and there's no reason you can't do it again!
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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 05:47:38 am »
Hey Michelle-
Thought I would pop on to let you know that I think you are doing a great job with Kate.  I'm sorry to hear about your initial milk supply issues.  With everything else we go through in those first couple weeks, it must have been tough for you. 

I would make my decision on pumping at night based on how worried I was about it.  It would be stressful and frustrating if your supply dwindled.  So for peace of mind alone, I would suggest you pump.  Once Kate turns 3 months, your supply will be even more firmly established.  So if she starts consistently sleeping through the night, you'll feel comfortable reducing your nighttime  pumping?  Of course all this is just my gut instinct. 

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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2008, 06:16:34 am »
I didn't know you had that history. I do know how important breastfeeding is to you. Based on those 2 things I think in your situation I would probably lean towards pumping. As Charlotte says, it may only be about peace of mind and as she gets older you will be able to reduce it.
At this stage I would try and make it as easy as you can for yourself. So pump when you wake naturally (assuming you do, we know this is actually more effective than setting an alarm when mums pumping for preemies do it). Then if you have a hand pump I wouldn't even get out of bed - pump and then zip it up in a ziplock bag, wipe with a muslin cloth and you are done. From my understanding you aren't using bottles and don't intend to build up a stash so just throw the milk. You could reopen the ziplock for another session later on without washing the pump if you want to do more than one pump in the night.
I know what Marian says about sending messages to make milk at that time - that is true. But then, because of the whole prolactin levels higher at night thing, we know nights 'feeds' have a valuable role in overall milk supply.

Without your history I wouldn't bother - you would adjust - but in your case I think it's worth it. :-*
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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2008, 07:08:43 am »
Thanks so much to you all. I thought I would pop on before bedtime, it's 11:30pm here, so late for me!

I feel she will wake tonight as she has not been clustering like a maniac tonight. What I have been doing, is that if she just feeds for a few minutes, then I usually pump or hand express from the other side before going back to bed.

If she wakes naturally for one feed and I do this, will this be enough, or should I pump an additional time as well?

Emma, I think I may have vaguely mentioned it to you in a pm ages ago, back when I first found BW, but without going into too many details. It is something I find hard to talk about, embarrassing really, although I know in my saner moments that it's not something I should make me feel that way.

I am concentrating on the positives for now...I have had a full supply since about the beginning on the 2nd week, she is gaining weight great, even when she had the RSV, she is happy, thriving and a bundle of joy. I am sure it will be okay, it was with Riley, but he did love his night feeds  ::) ;D

Thanks again to you all xx

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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2008, 07:32:17 am »
One feed and one pump I really would have thought is absolutely fine. Just keep monitoring - now I know why you are so in to counting diapers :)
Sorry if you did mention it already and I forgot :-[

This is certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. You are such a determined and successful breastfeeder you should feel nothing but proud. BTW you'd make a great peer supporter/ LLL leader/ breastfeeding counsellor one day.
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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2008, 08:05:59 am »
Hi, just wanted you to know how much your post means to me. Bfing is also very inportant to me, it looks like my hurdles have been small in comparison. Your like supermum for feeding and are a great insperation to any mum with troubles. Showing that anything is possible and with a little time and patiences.

Hope this doesn't look like im ott but for many people bfing is very important and a lot of those people it doesn't just happen (like me), for whatever reason.

So thanks for sharing your story and NEVER EVER feel embarrassed. "Its good to talk"


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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2008, 14:05:16 pm »
Definitely don't be embarassed, Michelle!  I weaned earlier than I wanted with Megan and I'm determined to go longer with Samantha, so I go to more extreme lengths too....and get a lot of raised eyebrows...  You have to do what's good for both of you!  You'll always get support and hugs here, in this very safe place!  :)
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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2008, 20:40:53 pm »
I have tears in my eyes reading this, thank you all so much for your support. You are all amazing, I'd be lost without you all xx

I pumped before going to bed, and then again when she woke to eat at 5am. Everything seems good, just want to make sure it stays that way! Sometimes I have been dumping, as parts are not sterilized, or I hand express onto a cloth etc. I might make more of an effort to do it properly and save a stash for a rainy day.

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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2008, 21:15:27 pm »
Saving for a rainy day is good :)

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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2008, 05:46:23 am »
Sounds like a plan.  Glad things are working out & mostly I'm glad that you feel better.  That's really what counts  :D

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Re: Long sleep stretches at night and supply worries
« Reply #14 on: February 25, 2008, 09:52:51 am »
Good on you for trying so hard.

I have this real need to BF for as long as possible this time, to the point where I think I am simply being stubborn about it.  Glad to hear that others feel this need also.
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