Bear with me, lots of rambling thought here…
I just want to preface this by saying that bf is incredibly important to me and my family. I bf Riley for about 15 months, and I was so happy with that, considering we had a rough start with jaundice, supplementing with formula for the first few days (didn’t know any better at the time), his tongue-tie, my flat nipples etc.
Nursing is going really well with Kate at the moment, she is gaining weight very well, happy and thriving. I am concerned about my milk supply now that she is sleeping longer stretches at night. She will usually have one night feeding, last night she had none, on a rare night she will have two. But more and more, it’s just usually one night feed, a few minutes on one side.
When I was 18, I was diagnosed with hyperprolactinaemia, a condition where your pituitary gland produces way too much prolactin. The medication I was on to suppress it can have long term affects and can affect your ability to produce milk afterwards. Catch 22: without the meds, I would never have gotten pregnant, because of them, my prolactin levels may never be “normal”. My milk was late coming in this time, I was having problems with latching, so was pumping…I was also taking domperidone, fenugreek and blessed thistle to get it to come in. Right now, I obviously have a full supply, but am worried about what will happen if she stops feeding at night.
Should I wake to pump? Right now, I usually pump once when she goes down for the night before she goes to bed. Will this be enough, or am I stressing about nothing? Of course, I know things can change at any time, and next week she might be nursing all night long! It’s just really important to me to nurse my baby, and it’s a sensitive issue for me. It was quite upsetting for me when my milk came in late, so much so, I haven't even been able to say it to anyone until now.
Thanks for any thoughts you may have xx