well the 6.30pm going to bed was a disaster, he woke around 1am and continued to be unsettled on and off till about 4am, half the time it just seemed like he was playing in his cot, this would happen for a few minutes at a time, then he would go quiet for 30-90mins then wake again. Really strange nite, never had a night like it really, he wasn't exactly crying, but just restless, enough to wake me!! Maybe it wasn't the missed nap as he has missed them before and not had this sort of a night. Anyway, that was Tuesday's night. Wed he had a shorter a.m nap and a cap nap in the afternoon, slept fine, but woke a tin bit earl around 6.30am. Today he had an early and short a.m nap, but then wouldn't settle for an afternoon nap. So by 6.30pm he was bouncing off the walls. He did settle OK but will wait to see if he goes through. There just doesn't seem to be any pattern unless i am missing something. Anyone who can spot something i missed pleased let me know. H x