Author Topic: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2  (Read 29495 times)

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #255 on: March 22, 2008, 07:35:45 am »
That's ok Leslie, 5½ hours A time would have been a lot for her too take without the catnap, I hope she had a good night.

Nicola and Bethy, sorry to hear you have both been ill, not easy with LO's to look after. I sympathihse with you Nicola, sometimes the docs aren't always right and just don't listen. I hope you are on the mend.

As for L's teeth, she now has 2 canines right there under the gum and white points but just not coming through!! AAAAAhhhh! You are right though Nic, my girl sleeps and sleeps now, we know it wont last and are attributing it to teething, cold or maybe that huge growth and developement spurt they have at 18 months. She slept 14 hours last night, something she reularly did with 1-1hr15 naps but she slept for nearly 2 yesterday and then wanted to go to bed after 4hrs 20 A time, it was busy A time though at a soft play  ;)

BTW Leslie, I looked back on my log and when first doing the transition If L woke at 1pm on the dot I would try for a catnap and if se hadn't fallen asleep by 5pm then I would do early bed but if she fell asleep by 5pm she owuld be woken at 5.20 at the latest and would still be in bed asleep by 7.30pm. HTH Katt  :)

Offline lesorl

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #256 on: March 22, 2008, 11:22:37 am »
Well we had a great night- a little stirring at 7:30pm, but she didn't wake this morning til... 6:54am!  I hope this doesn't screw up her nap.

Katt- thanks for the info on L's waking time from nap.  The 1pm wake up could have gone either way, but I didn't want to risk another 8pm bedtime!  Hope L's canines come in soon.

Nic and Beth- how are you all feeling?

Laura- getting any more rest?

Offline skatty

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #257 on: March 22, 2008, 11:40:25 am »
Wow, she is doing so well, well done Leslie, you are doing a fantastic job  ;)

Oh I forgot to say I am 35 this year too  :)

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #258 on: March 22, 2008, 18:18:27 pm »
Leslie I am soooo pleased for you - it has been such a long time coming and *phew* we have finally got somewhere!!

Our mornings are still earlier than I'd like but there's no point shifting things when the clocks go forward next week so am just holding on for that. Otherwise, we're doing alright  :) Ollie's had a couple of car naps the last two days, but it doesn't seem to make much difference.

Hope everyone else is feeling better  :-*
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Offline lesorl

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #259 on: March 22, 2008, 21:14:24 pm »
I'm not counting my chickens yet-

Today she fell asleep during winddown at 11:52am, and only slept til 12:48pm.  I'm not complaining, but she didn't fall asleep on the way home from the inlaws around 4:40pm, so I think we're in for a rough night.

I must not let her sleep before 12pm!

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #260 on: March 23, 2008, 01:44:46 am »

She's up tonight from 8:50pm, and it's now 10:10pm, and she's still awake.  So here we are in OT hell, AGAIN.

What the heck do I do tomorrow?

 Put her down earlier than 12pm, and hope she takes a catnap in the late afternoon?
 Put her down at 12pm, and put her to bed earlier than 6:15pm?
 Put her down at 12pm, and attempt catnap after 5pm?

I really can't stand being here.

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #261 on: March 23, 2008, 06:39:33 am »
Put her down earlier and give the catnap!!! It works and you can catch up on your bad night. Remember for spirited kids visiting and stuff can be very exciting and stimulating so that may have added to the fact she didn't sleep in the car and had a long nw early in the night, it's not always OT sometimes it is OS. One day L had her usual nap but we spent the afternoon at DH's friends' who have farm animals, L spent the afternoon being nuzzled by sheep, cows and horses and chasing chickens and then was playing in a new house around new people and she had NWs that night, definitely OS, she got right back on track the following day and you can too  :)

Be cautious anyway, M may be able to handle 5 hours A time some mornings but not everyday, L does 5 most mornings but if she is tired I still put her at 4.45 sometimes, just don't stress about that nap and plan on a catnap everyday at the mo' unless on the day she has a supernap, just don't expect a supernap and then they can be a great surprise when they happen :)

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #262 on: March 23, 2008, 08:32:25 am »
Don't panic  ;D You're not in OT hell!!

One rough night doesn't mean she's OT and Katt's right, it could easily be OS. She's sleeping so well at night *most* of the time that you really don't have a major problem.

Also agree with Katt on today's strategy - her sleep is pretty settled now so I don't think you have to get toooo worried if you're not on a fixed-in-stone BTC schedule. Earlier nap + catnap  :)

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #263 on: March 23, 2008, 09:46:39 am »
OMG Laura, I didn't see that pic of Amy with her banana, that is so cute  ;D

Leslie how was the rest of the night? Hope it wasn't too bad. We are actually putting L down ½ an hour early for her nap today as she is having a big teething morning, tantrums and tears, still recovering form her cold so as you can see we all have to flex the routine sometimes  ;)

Offline lesorl

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #264 on: March 23, 2008, 11:19:00 am »
Thank you Katt and Laura for talking me off the ledge!  Of course today is Easter and we're headed to my parents, so more OS. 

She finally went B2S at 10:30pm, and woke today at 6:34am.

What time should I put her down today?  11:30am or earlier?

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #265 on: March 23, 2008, 12:03:12 pm »
Do you think you'll be able to get a catnap in with a nap at 11:30? If so, go for it. If not, then maybe try 11...

I'd be inclined to go for 11:30 as it's near enough her routine isn't it.
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Offline lesorl

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #266 on: March 23, 2008, 22:39:41 pm »
OK well she slept 1 hour 10 mins from 11:24am-12:34pm, OT nap I think.  Then she finally fell asleep in the car on the way home at 5pm, woke her at 5:15pm.

She's now in bed at 7pm, hollering away. 

I hate this, I'm really losing it.  It's now 7:36pm, and she's still at it.  OT for sure.  Why does nothing work for her?

Now it's 8:07pm, and she's still awake.  I sent H in there to stand near her crib, as I'm about to run into the street screaming.

FINAL UPDATE TONIGHT- At 8:13pm, I could still hear her making noise with H in the room, so I told him to leave the room and let her cry for a bit.  She cried less than 1 minute and was asleep.  Are we preventing her from falling asleep by going to her when she cries and remaining in the room?  She screams blood murder when we leave, which is why we were staying.

I'm tired of it all.

I need a new plan.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 00:11:34 am by lesorl »

Offline skatty

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #267 on: March 24, 2008, 06:24:05 am »
Hi Leslie, I would have actually been pleased with a 1hr10 OT nap comapred to a 30 min OT nap! It does show she is starting to be able to get past that dreaded 30/40 min nap. I am still going with OS rather than OT as she had slept for 1 hr 25 of naps for the day which isn't bad going. I think you should stick with the usual routine and once Easter is over things will gyet back on track. I know it's too late but WIWO might have been best at bedtime, yes I think you are definitely distracting her by being in the room, sometimes when a lot has gone on in the day they need a little cry to wind down. I know i also forget as L is able to take so much more stimulation now that holidays with lots of visiting and active days may be fun but they are also draining and stimulating, yesterday afternoon L just cuddled up to me and watched Postman Pat on dvd and seemed so happy as if to say "this is enough Mum!".

What are your plans today? Hopefully your are home and can have a lovely day with just M and DH but please don't change up your routine it has been working, especially before the Easter stimulation  :) I am going hazard a guess that M will wake on the early side today and will have had quite a short night so let her nap earlier at 11 or 11.30 and then get a catnap. I hope she surprises us and wakes after 7 though  ;)

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #268 on: March 24, 2008, 09:01:00 am »
Your plan is fine! 1hr 10 nap is great (considering they were all 30 min naps only a week ago!) and it's not surprising that she had difficulty falling asleep at 7pm when she woke from her catnap at 5:15.

Use WI/WO, it's much better for your sanity!! She screams bloody murder because that is what gets the result that she wants (you staying in the room) not cos she is terrified of being on her own or thinks you will never come back. I am sure that you being in her room is more stimulating than reassuring now.

'Why does nothing work for her'? This IS working! Remember how far you've come  :-*
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Offline lesorl

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Re: 12 month old (now almost 14 mo) with 30-45 min naps- THREAD 2
« Reply #269 on: March 24, 2008, 11:48:48 am »
I don't know what to think now... she slept through the night, and woke at 7:03am.  OS?  Should I not give a catnap at 5pm?

Should I aim for a nap at 12pm again today?  And if she sleeps til 1pm, should I just put her to bed at 6pm, rather than give a catnap?