OK well she slept 1 hour 10 mins from 11:24am-12:34pm, OT nap I think. Then she finally fell asleep in the car on the way home at 5pm, woke her at 5:15pm.
She's now in bed at 7pm, hollering away.
I hate this, I'm really losing it. It's now 7:36pm, and she's still at it. OT for sure. Why does nothing work for her?
Now it's 8:07pm, and she's still awake. I sent H in there to stand near her crib, as I'm about to run into the street screaming.
FINAL UPDATE TONIGHT- At 8:13pm, I could still hear her making noise with H in the room, so I told him to leave the room and let her cry for a bit. She cried less than 1 minute and was asleep. Are we preventing her from falling asleep by going to her when she cries and remaining in the room? She screams blood murder when we leave, which is why we were staying.
I'm tired of it all.
I need a new plan.