Author Topic: What is up with his appetite?? Advise please.  (Read 737 times)

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Offline hlatreille

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What is up with his appetite?? Advise please.
« on: February 29, 2008, 16:03:42 pm »
Lately my 12 week old DS has been refusing to finish his bottles.  I currently have him eating 5oz bottles and lately he will leave anywhere from .5-2oz in each bottle.  He used to be such a good eater now he starts squirming, grunting and spitting sometimes halfway through eating.  It's very frustrating as I feel like I'm force feeding him just to get him to eat the majority of his bottle.  I have even given him a break and try again 10 minutes later....sometimes he will take a bit more but mostly it's the same grunting & squirming like before.

He definately doesn't have reflux or anything like that because when I remove the bottle he is just happy to sit there....he plain just doesn't want anymore.

Is this a phase or what is going on??  My biggest concern that is that if he reduces how much he is taking in during the day he will start waking during the night hungry.  He currently goes to bed at 7-7:30pm and wakes around 4:30-5:30am with a 10:30pm DF.

Any advise would be great.  Thanks!!
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Re: What is up with his appetite?? Advise please.
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2008, 12:14:01 pm »
Hi there, how long do you leave between feeds? Could it be he is working towards going 3.5 hrs between feeds and just isnt hungry enough when you offer the feeds?

Offline hlatreille

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Re: What is up with his appetite?? Advise please.
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2008, 17:59:11 pm »
Hmmm, I never thought of that.  He is on the 3 hour EASY right now.  Maybe worth a try....thanks!
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Re: What is up with his appetite?? Advise please.
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2008, 19:24:08 pm »
You are welcome, let us know how it goes. Also another thing to consider may be going up a teat size in case he is bored with the flow.  If the 3.5 hr feed intervals dont work, come back and ask and we can brainstorm what else it can be xxxxx