Hi I have been following this post as I am having similar issues. My LO used to go from 8 to 8 and now wakes up without fail every morning at 6:40-something
I know that nearly 7 & some people aim for that but I am a night owl and she was previously doing 8 to 8 no problem, I often had to wake her at 8 or she would wake herself just before.
I have tried a few things suggested in your post-putting to bed an hour early(and as Camy’s mom said I was shivering in my boots) , she woke at the same time (so even if she didn’t sleep in, I was glad she was getting an hour extra).
I also tried not going until she gave an ‘I need u cry’ but she just wakes and lies there happily and v quietly, I have waited for ages & peeped in without her knowing and she just lies there, I haven’t waited for longer than 45 minutes as I thought that was long enough/too long to leave her lying alone.
I havent experimented with the dreamfeed time-I ually plan to do it at 10 but it ends up beign 10:20 most nights so might try to get it done earlier.
I was considering w2s and I see it was successful for you mmesser
I never really post, but have found the board very useful since my son was born. I wanted to share a little success I have had this week.
The first two nights did not impact his wake time, so I decided that I would experiment with what time I was stirring him. And this morning I had success. He slept until 6:30 (not 7:00) but a big improvement. I plan to use w2s for two more mornings to ensure that he sleep time is adjusted.
I actually tried it one morning-I went in at 5:40 and tossled her hair-my DD opened her eyes and then I gave her her soother and taggie and she went straight back to sleep and it had no impact. MMesser Im just curious as to how long before your LO's wake time did you try w2s?
Aslo just want to say thanks to everyone find this board so helpful.