My daughter is 28 months old, and just lately her sleeping habits have started to change. We used to start our bedtime routine between 6:30 or 7 and she would be in bed usually sleeping by 8. Now she has been taking till 9 or sometimes 10 to get to sleep and is still waking up at 7 or earlier. She takes a nap around 12:30, 1:30 at the lastest and sleeps a good 2 hours. We have been potty training and she often wants to get up to go potty, and I dont want to tell her no because often she does, but sometimes it is just an excuse to get out of bed. She fights going down for naps and bed, but once she is asleep, she is asleep. Does anyone have suggestions for me getting her to sleep by 8 instead of later. I think she would be happier, and I know I would be.