Author Topic: Anyone's 2 yo refuse naps for a period then go back to napping?  (Read 895 times)

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Offline Hadley12

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My dd is 26 months and refusing naps. Has anyone else had a phase like this with their LOs who have then gone back to regular napping? It's clear she needs the nap, even with 12 hours sleep at night.


Offline brightside

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Re: Anyone's 2 yo refuse naps for a period then go back to napping?
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2008, 13:58:54 pm »
I think its quite common for them to go through a phase of refusing the nap but they still need to be offered it. Also, I think a lot of them go to about 12 hours sleep total so if you still want a nap then you may need to cut the night sleep a bit. DS sometimes appears to refuse a nap at the usual time but then will fall asleep in the car so I think sometimes its a case of them just fighting it. DS also easily goes about 6 hours now between sleeps so it could be that you are offering the nap a bit early.
Cath, 33

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Re: Anyone's 2 yo refuse naps for a period then go back to napping?
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 14:15:48 pm »
DD started to refuse her naps at around 28 mos but I still offered it.  You may have to play around with nap times and length so that bedtime doesn't become a battle ground as well.  Tha being said, dd would go through days wiout a nap and then backing to napping for days.  THis continued for a number of months until she was ready to really give up the naps.  DD will take a rare nap if the night before was bad or she's just too tired from too much activity in the the morning. 

Offline LeesMom

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Re: Anyone's 2 yo refuse naps for a period then go back to napping?
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2008, 17:52:59 pm »
We're also going through this right now at 28 mos. It's been going on for the past few months, since DD turned 2. At first she was napping about every other day, then every third day, and then recently only once a week. Now she is back to napping most days again. I offered her a nap every day regardless and the quiet time helped a lot. She definitely was more likely to nap though if she had a lot of activity in the morning or if she had less than 11.5-12 hrs. sleep the night before. I played around with the nap times a little bit and she seems to need about 1/2 hour of talking/winddown on her own in her crib before she'll nap. This happened regardless of whether I put her down earlier or later, but I agree that it's worth trying a later nap time to see if that helps. When she first started skipping naps, it was a little rough at first making it until the end of the day, even with an earlier bedtime, and we had a few meltdowns. After a couple weeks though, it got better and I definitely found that the earlier bedtimes and more laid-back, relaxing afternoons helped a lot. HTH  :)

Offline Deb_in_oz

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Re: Anyone's 2 yo refuse naps for a period then go back to napping?
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2008, 21:55:08 pm »
every kid has different needs so you will find some 2yo DO drop their nap. but not in this house LOL.  alex went through the nap drop phase at least 3 different times, just when i was about to call it quits (around 2 weeks) she always resumed npaping. 2 weeks seems to be a common breaking point when they are experimenting with giving it up but then realize they need it.  at 4 1/2 yo she still naps 2-3 times a week on average (can be 1-2 times on a bad run) and to think it seemed like the nap was going by 3yo .   ;D
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

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