We're also going through this right now at 28 mos. It's been going on for the past few months, since DD turned 2. At first she was napping about every other day, then every third day, and then recently only once a week. Now she is back to napping most days again. I offered her a nap every day regardless and the quiet time helped a lot. She definitely was more likely to nap though if she had a lot of activity in the morning or if she had less than 11.5-12 hrs. sleep the night before. I played around with the nap times a little bit and she seems to need about 1/2 hour of talking/winddown on her own in her crib before she'll nap. This happened regardless of whether I put her down earlier or later, but I agree that it's worth trying a later nap time to see if that helps. When she first started skipping naps, it was a little rough at first making it until the end of the day, even with an earlier bedtime, and we had a few meltdowns. After a couple weeks though, it got better and I definitely found that the earlier bedtimes and more laid-back, relaxing afternoons helped a lot. HTH