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Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« on: March 03, 2008, 11:21:38 am »
Hello! My lo has been fairly erratic with feeding over the last few weeks- sometimes managing a long nap and getting into a 4 hour easy, then  3 hour and over the last week (growth spurt week) only 2 1/2 hour easy. Im slowly slowy going back to work and really want to keep breast feeding but am having real problems getting up a stock supply for dh and grandparents inbetweeen feeds. Sometimes as little as 15 mls Grrrrr! So
First question,  Could introduce 1 bottle of formulae in the day, so that I get a really good go of expressing this missed feed? Im assuming that if I feed from boob 7 times a day, (twice expressed) my supply wont deplete too quickly. SO, in theory I could build up such a good back up supply that the formulae bottle will only be used in emergency.

Second question, will an occassional bottle of formulae, when the back up supply of boob milk is low, affect him at all?

many thanks,Anna

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 04:37:20 am »
I had a similar problem and found when I was at work and actually missing feeds, the milk was there to pump. What I did was tried to pump at least once a day (and usually only once a day) after his morning feed, about an hour later. I'd get an ounce or two, after time it added up for enough for that first day back, then I would usually be able to pump about what he would eat during the day while I was at work. If it's important to you to try not to introduce formula, I would keep trying to pump and save whatever amount you can. I wouldn't worry too much about having him not nurse during the day so you could pump instead. HTH.

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2008, 10:59:36 am »
Hmmm...If you're willing to give him the odd bottle of formula now, could the grandparents/DH not just give formula when you're at work??  I'm not advocating this mind, it's just I don't understand your thinking, sorry.

This is how I pump anyway, during the day, DS has one side and I alternate sides for each of his feeds (after weeks of block feeding).  He goes to bed approx 7pm and he has a feed then at approx 10pm - 11pm with his next feed t 2am - 3am.  So just before I go up to feed him and go to bed myself at 10pm, I pump the side I fed him on just before he went to bed at 7pm, and then he has the other side.  Now I know that evening/night isn't supposed to be the best time to pump, but I do this so that I don't get engorged overnight too.  Did it first time round with DD too and it works well for me - get 5-7 oz in no time at all.

The other time I pump, and this is probably a better time for you to try maybe, is in the morning when DS goes down for his first little nap - he will have had 1 side for breakfast and the other side is then pretty full so I pump it resulting in 2 'normal' sized boobs. 

do you think this would work for you?

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2008, 13:44:27 pm »
Thanks for your advice and help. Yes, I think pumping in the morning everyday between now and when I start work is #1 is at nursery. I dont do single side feeding.
I guess my concern is that I will not be able to stock up enough for the grandparents and I want to know that IF they had to feed him one bottle of formulae a day until i get a good stock up supply that it wont interfere toooo much. What do you think?

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2008, 15:28:54 pm »
IF they had to feed him one bottle of formulae a day until i get a good stock up supply that it wont interfere toooo much. What do you think?

Hmmm....I suppose one bottle wouldn't make too much difference IF you are still getting in plenty of BF when you are with your LO and you are managing to pump as well.

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2008, 11:10:28 am »
Will give it a go. I think actually it may help relieve some pressure on the pumping front, as I find the whole thing a bit dehumanising ;) I dont know why Im making such a big fuss. My #1 was combination fed from 3 weeks as I had a terrible time getting the breast milk to work on its own......Maybe its BECAUSE  of that I want to make a `success´of it this time. Silly how easy it is to put added pressure on oneself....thanks for responding!

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2008, 13:03:57 pm »
Hi I know how you feel about making it work second time around, i feel the same and since being on bw seems were not alone which is comforting :)


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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2008, 22:38:21 pm »
Can I just ask what type of pump you have?  If you're going back to work and pumping there it's worth getting a really good double electric pump, and that will also help with the pumping now.

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2008, 09:05:34 am »
I use the Ameda personal double pump, its really good.  were are you based as i have the link for england and they are also on ebay


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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2008, 10:33:27 am »
Sorry - wanted to write more last night but had to go see to my LO!

I agree that the Ameda Lactaline is a good one.  (In the US, the same pump is called the Ameda Purely Yours.)  The other one worth trying is the Medela Pump-in-Style, but they cost a lot more and you can't buy them second-hand (a design fault means you can't be certain they've been properly sterilised after the last person used them), so I recommend the Ameda Lactaline.  It's been a few years since I had to research this all when pregnant with my first LO, so might be something new on the market for all I know.

With regard to your question: as long as your baby is being breastfed he will be getting benefits from the milk.  The higher the proportion of breastmilk in his diet, the more benefits he'll get.  If he gets some formula then it does slightly increase his risk of tummy bugs, and getting a higher proportion will increase his risk more, as well as the risk of some other problems such as ear infections and milk allergy.  The less formula he gets, the less his risk of these things, so the risk with the occasional bottle, or with a day of formula on your first day back, is low.

One thing to bear in mind is that any risks of formula get less the older the baby is.  And the whole reason for having a freezer stash is to try to avoid giving formula, so giving formula just so that you can build up a freezer stash does rather defeat the whole object.   ;)  So, if you can't get a freezer stash now, I wouldn't worry too much, but would just leave it and give formula as and when needed when you're back at work (when, of course, you'll have all the milk you pump each day to give him the next day).  The drawback of that approach, I suppose, is that if you don't have *any* milk pumped by the time you go back to work then he'll have to have formula all day on his first day, which isn't a huge problem but would be something new for him to have to get used to on top of you not being there.

Oh - one other drawback - can't believe I didn't think of this before as this problem is the reason I logged onto this site in the first place, but does he take bottles??  Even if he's taken them in the past, he really does need to be taking them on a regular basis (preferably daily or nearly daily) to stay used to them.  Some babies are fine just taking them a couple of times a week, but my 3-month-old rapidly went from taking a bottle to refusing it when I left six days between practice bottles.  So I *would* recommend trying him with daily bottles now, and, if you can't pump enough milk for them, just give him an ounce or two of formula in each one.  (Probably the easiest way to do that is by buying those little cartons that you can just open and pour without having to mix - too expensive for regular use, but only 50p a time so if you're only giving him a tiny practice amount each day then that's affordable & convenient.)

Back to the pumping problem - One technique that works well is to put your pump in the fridge with whatever you've pumped in it, then take it out and pump again any time you get 10 - 15 mins free during the day.  (If you've got an electric pump then you don't have to put the whole pump in the fridge - just unhook the horns and put those in, then attach them again when you pump again.)  That way, those 15 ml quantities add up during the day.  If you can get even an ounce by the end of the day, that's enough to feed him as a practice bottle.  If you can save a couple of ounces a day for the week before you go back, then that adds up to 14 oz over a week, which is enough to see him through most or maybe even all of the first day.

BTW, I went back to work when my son was four months old, and couldn't pump enough for him.  He was through the freezer stash in the first fortnight and was mixed-fed after that.  I got very upset about this at first, but he was absolutely fine and the reading I've done tells me that, although exclusive BF'ing is the ideal, mixed feeding will still give a baby most of the benefits of breastfeeding.  So this time my aim is just to pump what I can and not worry about the rest.  Let's face it - in twenty years time, our babies will care about a lot of things we did or didn't do, but the amount of breastmilk we managed to pump isn't going to be one of those things!

Sorry for the length of this - hope it helped!

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2008, 10:50:44 am »
lol at that last comment, Nannyogg. Good to see you can take the time out to give others inculing me some good advise.

Thanks Kate :)

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Offline annary

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2008, 10:28:43 am »
Ditto Ditto. Thank you so much. I feel INFINITELY better having read your post. I shall follow your advice. Little one is having a nice long sleep and I shall prepare a bottle for this afternoon which he can give whilst I pump.
Funny how breast feeding becomes a competitive sport with oneself. Motherhood=lifelong guilt trip ;)
many thanks again.Anna

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Re: Finding it too hard to express between feeds!
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2008, 13:29:34 pm »
  Let's face it - in twenty years time, our babies will care about a lot of things we did or didn't do, but the amount of breastmilk we managed to pump isn't going to be one of those things!

 :-* ;D  Wonderful philosophy
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