Author Topic: Breastfeeding from one side only  (Read 586 times)

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Offline shellsyd

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Breastfeeding from one side only
« on: March 04, 2008, 23:36:27 pm »
Hi, my lo was ebf for 6+ months. He now takes formula and loves it. He will still breast feed but my supply seems to be reducing. Also, I have ALWAYS had problems feeding him from the right breast, he always cries because the let down was too slow and then the supply was very little as he would cry after 2-3 mins of feeding.

Now that I only breast feed him once a day, I find it easier to just feed from the left breast as he will get a full feed and be satisfied.

Will this affect the appearance of my breasts in future? Does it matter since the left side (the side I feed him on) is already slightly bigger than the right side?

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Re: Breastfeeding from one side only
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 09:20:46 am »
In the long long term once breastfeeding is over it's unlikely you'll notice a difference. In the short term though the difference may become more pronounced to the extent you may feel more comfortable wearing an insert in your bra
If you are at all worried you could pump from the right side even once a day to minimize a difference.

Do you want to try and have another go with the right? You could feed from both/ use breast compressions on the right or do some focused pumping?
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