I have a sneaking suspicion I am the person Emma was referring to, who had to be talked down from the ledge just because her baby was sleeping through!
I had supply issues in the beginning, just recently started a post about that, so check it out if you want more details. I have had a full supply since about week 2, and Kate has always fed anywhere from every 2-4 hour hours, and as a newborn, she would only wake twice per night. Lately, she will usually sleep 5-6 hours between feeds at night, sometimes sleeping 9-10 hours!!!!
She is now 10.5 weeks, gaining weight beautifully, although I haven't had a weight check recently, she is happy and content, so all seems good.
I haven't tried to put her on a routine, she just seemed to come wired that way. In contrast, my first baby woke frequently at night to nurse, and loved to comfort nurse during the day, it was his way of being in the world. Even after he weaned, he still continued to wake at night for cuddling, it's just the way he is.
Hang in there. Breastfeeding is such a precious gift for you both. Good on you for battling supply issues, I know how hard that is, and it speaks volumes about you as a Mum that you are going to such lengths to meet your child's needs.
Keep us posted as to how things are going. Best of luck to you and your little girl.