Hi Mukta,
I agree with PPs that you could try to up his food intake all throughout the day.
You could try WI/WO when he wakes in the morning and if that doesn't work, you could get up( I know it's early!) and play for a bit before you give him his milk. It's a problem we had (oh, we've 'ad 'em all here!!) and how I cured DS was by getting up and giving him breakfast rather than milk. That way he stopped associating wake up with a bottle - their bodies work like clocks!!
But really you could leave this problem til last. Getting him to stop the NWs is priority first.
I also had the same problem with DH and the NWs. DH (and all the mafia family) thought DS woke all night cos I put him to bed too early

LOs here go to bed with their parents - around 11pm

But that's another story....
So, I have never had any help sleep training - but since I was always the one to get up all night I just resigned myself to doing it alone!!
We did cold turkey with the dummy when DS was 13 mo cos he was waking at night to be re plugged. It took 12 days - less than I thought. If the dummy is not a prop (i.e he doesn't wake at night to be re- plugged) then that's one less problem - what do you think?
And as Mari said, it's impossible to sleep train without tears

Yours and his

Many a time I cried while doing WI/WO (mainly cos I was soo tired) and cos I felt soo alone and unsupported by DH. But, as the nights go on, the crying will get less and less.
Remember, he will only be crying because it's not the usual way to go back to sleep - not because he's unhappy or hungry (probably)
What do you think?
I'm coming over to the U.K on the 21st July for 6 weeks

- but I think you will have cracked it by then

Jessica - I totally agree - that's what grandparents are for

I still have fond memories of my grandparents allowing me to do 'naughty' things when I stayed with them!!