Author Topic: It just got worse ....  (Read 16560 times)

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Offline Mama2boys

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #150 on: April 21, 2008, 12:30:45 pm »
Hi Vicku,

Good idea, will try medi tonight and see...

the thing is I don't offer milk at first go, i try pacifier, comforting him patting him PD etc. and then when he is absolutely inconsolable and starts pointing towards kitchen or trying to say milk that's when i break down. I know its probably giving the wrong message but i am so confused.

if I give him milk straight away i am putting him in a habit and if I don't but Wait till he cries then the message I give is that crying gets you what you want...confused.....cant let him cry more than 5-10minutes?

ps: love that new pic!
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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #151 on: April 21, 2008, 12:57:31 pm »
the thing is I don't offer milk at first go, i try pacifier, comforting him patting him PD etc. and then when he is absolutely inconsolable and starts pointing towards kitchen or trying to say milk that's when i break down. I know its probably giving the wrong message but i am so confused.
I can see how it's hard to refuse in that situation...

Why don't you try giving meds tonight and see if it stops him waking, and if still waking if he's less upset. I know with Lois it always works best to give the meds as soon as she wakes in the night. If I wait then she usually works herself up too much to settle. Have heard others say this too. The other thing I sometimes do if I'm sure she's teething and in discomfort, is I give Paracetamol for her bedtime (which lasts about 4 hrs) then sneak in and give her Ibuprofen (which lasts 8 hrs) just before we go to sleep, so lasts her til the morning. Just give it in a syringe in her sleep and she just sucks it and swallows it and continues sleeping. Might be worth a try. I know it's not nice to think you're giving them meds all the time, but it's safe and ok when they need it I think. Helps them and you!

ps: love that new pic!
Thanks!!! Yours is lovely too! :)
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #152 on: April 21, 2008, 15:09:03 pm »
you are right Vicku, I just got to keep the faith! I will try meds and see tonight. and thanks for the tip about using the syringe to give medi to sleeping LO. fingers crossed he won't wake up.

Its that fear of letting him work him self up that I end up giving milk asap when he wakes and does not settle for more than 5/7 minutes.

At this rate DS will never ever have a sibling!
9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline Vicku

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #153 on: April 21, 2008, 20:05:18 pm »
I know how you feel! Things will get better again. We were there and now things are pretty good here for now. Don't be too afraid to let him cry for longer than that. That's really not very long. As long as you don't just leave him and keep doing WI/WO. Well, try meds tonight and see if that makes a difference. Hope it works and he doesn't wake up. Try to do it when he's in a deep sleep and not when he's tossing and turning.
Also, remember you've done it before if you end up needing to sleep train. It worked then and if you stick with the same approach as you did then it should hopefully work quickly (not quick enough for a sleep deprived mum I know, but...) I really hope it's just teething and it will be over soon though. Lois always tend to get bad teething pain in relation to a cold. No idea why, it just seems to be that way.
Fingers and everything crossed for you for tonight! :-*
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #154 on: April 21, 2008, 20:16:57 pm »
Thanks Vicku. Tonight was awful, he did not go down till 8:15...lets see how the night goes>

Thanks for your support.
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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #155 on: April 21, 2008, 20:21:17 pm »
Let me know how it works out! Good luck and good sleep vibes for DS!
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #156 on: April 22, 2008, 13:16:01 pm »
Hi Mukta,

Sigh, sorry to hear you are having an awful time of it. Is DS completely recovered yet?
How did last night go?
Sending kilos more of patience ang hugs!

P.S Patience is on special offer - 3 for 1 at Sainsbury's this week. So go stock up if you're running low!
I have - I seem to go through it SOO quickly these days!!

Lis and Forrest - Tigger - Nicholas!!

Offline Mama2boys

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #157 on: April 22, 2008, 13:33:37 pm »
LOL Liz, that did cheer me up.

I think I need to stock up patience for myself to deal with Ds and Dh who gets as frustrated as DS! good life!

Do you think the Sainsbury's patience is as good as the Waitrose one?

btw I am lowering the bar for myself I hope to have DS sleep trained before he goes to college...and no sibling for DS, no chance at all..with sleep deprived and irritable parents no chances of that happenning!
9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline Vicku

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #158 on: April 22, 2008, 13:55:26 pm »
btw I am lowering the bar for myself I hope to have DS sleep trained before he goes to college...and no sibling for DS, no chance at all..with sleep deprived and irritable parents no chances of that happenning!
He seems quite happy with the teddy bear, never mind about a sibling ;D

Liz, you made me laugh too! I better stock up on that while in UK next week, as well as those DVDs and books!
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

I Breastfed DD1 9.5 months and DD2 21.5 months
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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #159 on: April 22, 2008, 15:50:37 pm »

btw I am lowering the bar for myself I hope to have DS sleep trained before he goes to college...and no sibling for DS, no chance at all..with sleep deprived and irritable parents no chances of that happenning!

Go on, you'll be a dab hand by the time baby number 2 comes along, you'll have all the tricks up your sleeve by then!

How did last night go?

Offline donna_issabella

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #160 on: April 22, 2008, 16:09:15 pm »
Hey Mukta,

I have read through this thread of yours, no other, and I could have written this story almost to a T. OK, I actually did ;) on another thread with Sarah Squared, Alison_3 and Lilah's mommy, Sabrina. We sleep trained together. Henry did very much the same thing at about the same age. Until 1 year of age he would wake occasionally and I would give him a watered down bottle of formula and he would go to sleep in a flash. Then he started waking, crying, we would give him the milk and he would keep screaming and crying for 1, someitmes two hours on and off until we offered another bottle and then only would he collapse in exhaustion. Really, that 'occasional' bottle crept up on us liek a thief in the night. He started waking every night for it, instead of once every week or two, and then it escalated. I knew he did not need the calories, with him STTN from 4 months, I just became a habit, a prop really.

PUPD modified with Shh/pat used to work like a charm as well, until this whole episode. He would just not settle, and our shh/pat and PUPD was more stimulating. I read that the other girls were going to do WIWO and I popped onto the bandwagon. I am SO glad I did. Yes, for two nights he cried ALOT. As he was crying in any case for upto 2 hours even after the milk, I figured he was going to cry regardless and rather than him crying for no 'reason' or benefit, we can rather turn it into a positive thing. So we started.

The first night he cried long and hard, as he did even with the PUPD. He was so mad at us. I would go in, reassure him, rub his bum or tummy or back, depending on what I could reach. I would go out and count to 10, go back in and reassure, telling him I love him, I am here, but that he needs to go back to bed to grow big and strong and be rested so we could play the next day. almost 2 hours of this. Next night, same thing, just a little shorter. By the third night he knew he was not getting any milk - he spat the clear water out previously BTW but would drain sometimes with the two bottles combined about 14 oz of diluted milk in 2 hours :o :o :o :o :o . He did not need it, I think after the crying, he was just soothing, IYKWIM.

The following nights he would occasionally wake once or twice, but most times I just needed to go in once (sometiems a more, but mostly once only), rub his back tell him it is OK, go back to bed and he would settle immediately. Sometimes I just needed to lay him down again. It was as if in his sleepy state he would stand up and not know how to go down again, although he was walking and cruising well by now, sitting and standing as he pleased.

I just want to encourage you. It is tough. But being consistent is much better for them. As Jess also said, esp so for Touchy spirited kiddos. You might have a few EW, but by having an earlier bedtime really helps. And if he is tired early in the am, 15-30 minute naps really helped us the one or two times we needed it.

HUGS and remember this too shall pass. You and DH will find the time and energy to go through this all again ;)


I will go and find the link of our WIWO sleep training episode. If you have time and are interested, you might find some reassurance there.

Offline Mama2boys

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #161 on: April 22, 2008, 19:04:51 pm »
Hi Mari and DI,

last night was just about the same..poor :( he was up at about 2 moaning and back to slepe without me and only woke up at about 4 for his feed. and thenup for the day at 6:30.

he has gone donw ok todya at 7:45 so lets see how tonight goes.

DI: SO if I understand this correctly, you baiscally wnet cold turkey with regards to the milk and did Wi/WO to calm him down, is that right? and it took say 3 days to bring to a mangable no-cry situation?

Well if thats the case i might just have to bite the bullet and get it going. I am pretty sure he is teething as well, so feel a bit bad about starting the harsh route, but hey what choice do I have, he has been teething since he was 3 months old! Thank you so much for you message and enouragement. With your guidance and inspiration I might just get thorugh this again. Its a bit worse than last time, and we did take the diluted milk slow and staedy route last time and it worked, but not sure it will this time.

Please do send me the link, i'd be mor ethan happy to read and learn.

Thanks all, I can't begin to even express how grateful I am to all of you who have been helping me through this.


9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline donna_issabella

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #162 on: April 22, 2008, 19:14:22 pm »
Yep we went cold turkey as well. As long as he is topped up with pain meds for the teething, I would sleep train. He will be teething for the next 12 months still... ;)

I would say a managable some cry but settles quickly situation :)

Here is the link:

Good luck and when you are ready to bite the bullet, let us know. It is tough whilst you are in the situation, but boy, it DOES get better. Really, it does!


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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #163 on: April 22, 2008, 19:23:42 pm »
Just reading through the thread..but one quick question.

Whenm your LO cried, what did you do, pick up to comfort or try PD or what,. DS gets so angry he pushes me away, will stand by the bed nd just push me away..breaks my heart :(
9 and 6, oh boy!

Offline donna_issabella

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Re: It just got worse ....
« Reply #164 on: April 22, 2008, 19:29:19 pm »
Initially we picked him up, but he did the same and I felt it was stimulating him more. If he was standing up, I would lay him down, rub his back/chest/bum/tummy and reassure him and walk out. After 10 seconds I would go back in and if he was standing, repeat above. If he was lying down, I would just rub back/chest/bum/tummy (whatever was accessable really ;) ), reassure and walk out again. repeat, repeat, repeat. I would also listen to his crying, because sometimes he would escalate and then I would go in a little sooner, if it sounded like his mantra, I would hang back a little. He sleeps with a lovey and I would always after lying him down, put the lovey near his chest/face or into his hands. That helped a great deal too, I think.

HTH :)