Hi again - will keep trying the Bonjella maybe hes just not used to the taste he has never let us put fingers in his mouth he just clamps tight!
DS routine
6.0am - wake - 4oz formula mixed with 3oz cows milk
8.3 -9am - breakfast - toast or cereal that he can self feed with fingers and water
10 -11am - nap - (this is all over the place: between 30mins - 2hrs)
on waking - snack - fromage frais and/or raisins with water
12.30 - 1pm - lunch - varies depending on when & what he will eat
2.30 - 3pm - bottle - as above then go for a walk
4.30 - 5pm - dinner - again depends on when & what he will eat (sometimes nothing)
6pm - bath
6.30 - bottle - as above, sometimes he will have 1 slice of toast
7pm - bed
Re the shush/pat, it has worked really well today, during the day he has fallen asleep independantly in his cot twice with only a little SP, the problem is settling him after a night wake, last night it took 2 hrs but SP didnt work just made the crying escalate, doing PD had the same effect and he didnt notice WI/WO cos he was crying in his sleep and didnt open his eyes at all during the whole 2hrs. We are just sitting in bed now waiting for the usual 11.30 wake but its now 12.10am.....i dont dare say anything else !!!!

oh dear he has just started now ...