Well it's only been two nights, I suppose I should give it at least another night, but at this point I'm so tired I can't see straight. (Please don't suggest asking DH to help as he is little more than useless and I'drather not talk about it).
So last two nights we have not done the dreamfeed. The logic behind the htinking was that Stan might still wake twice more in the night, but maybe 1 less feed, and 0 bottle feeds, might mean less problems with gas later in the night.
Well both nights he has woken at midnight, then again between 3-3.30. Then, as before, he wakes at 5.30am. I don't know for sure but it sounds like gas that is waking him, he is groaning and wriggling. He's been having Infacol before every feed since Friday afternoon (it's Sunday morning now) and I know it takes a while to build up but there's no noticeable difference. From 5.30-7 I 'force' Stan to stay asleep by shh-patting him on my shoulder, but he's still periodically (say, every 5 mins) wriggling and if I wasn't there he would be wide awake within minutes. I want him to get used to the feeling of sleeping at 7, because I can't be starting our day at 5.30. Especially not when I've already been up twice in the night.
And, he's still pretty much disinterested in feeding at 7. He had a half-hearted suck for a few mins this morning, but that's all. I don't know how I can get him to take more calories in the daytime (so as to reduce the need at night) because he drains both breasts at every other feed.
please help.