For the last 4 nights our LO has been a nightmare. He's now 14 months and has always been a bad sleeper, he's probably only ever slept through about 50 times, but I knew those old wakes were from reflux and milk allergy issues. But I don't know whats causing these. The 1st night he woke at 10.30, and the last 3 nights at 11.30, and screams hysterically. Each night he has gone back to sleep at 1am. I've tried staying in the room at the bottom of the cot, he calmed down after about 20 mins, and I crept out when he went to sleep, but he woke when I was at the door and it started again. If I cuddle him he will drop straight off again, but wakes when you put him back in the cot and gets hysterical again. He doesn't like to come in with us either. I've put bongela on him in case his teeth hurt, gave paracetamol in case he was in pain, resorted to feeding him, still didn't work! He's has a nasty virus a few weeks ago and got a raging temp and diarrhea for a week, and he's now got a chest infection, but it seems to be clearing up well. I don't know if he's just wanting the attention
?? any ideas on what could be causing these and any solutions? (please -we need sleep) I've thought about taking the cot sides off, but I think he's probably too young for that?