Author Topic: LO prefer drinking water than milk!  (Read 985 times)

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Offline nana's mummy

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LO prefer drinking water than milk!
« on: March 08, 2008, 16:49:00 pm »
i wonder if any mums out there encounter the same problems as me...lately my dd decided she will go on this water diet and will only drink water and refuses to take any milk!! i will have 2 bottles (one with water, one with milk) i will always offer the milk first, she will thrust out her tongue and refuses to take any...we thought maybe it's the brand, so we tried a few others but with same results...she will just hold out for water!! my dh thot it's v amusing and joked that she's one cheap baby to keep!!  ::)  and as expected, she is waking up a few times in the night hungry...sigh

so i have resort to feeding her when she is falling asleep...i know i's bad association but that's the only way i can get her to drink the milk and get those calories in...i don't know what else to do!!?? so now our routine has become AESY and i don't know how to correct her as she isn't hungry when she wakes up...i tried some A time first and that stretches till 1 1/2 hrs later and it's time for her nap and that's when she will take the bottle...uurrgghhh...

what should i do?  ???

Offline grahamsmama

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Re: LO prefer drinking water than milk!
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2008, 00:07:40 am »
Maybe you could try sort of a reverse-watering down the bottle.  So, at first instead of just offering water, put in an ounce of milk with the water.  Then if she'll take that, try two ounces.  And keep putting in a little more until you've got it back to milk.