Stacy, thats a great routine. similar to what i envisioned when starting the 2 naps.
today we did:
7.15 awake, after a NW at 3ish and only a few minutes of crying after i checked on him (yay from 7pm last night, havent seen that in months, i really think xmas threw him off too, is that possible it could go on for so long?)
9.45 (couldn't make it till 10, went down relatively OK, I swaddled which i havent done since before xmas, may have helped since once he starts crying he gets right up and cant settle)
still sleeping and its 10.30, pretty good so far.
I plan to go to the mall and be back so he can nap at home...its so hard to not have him fall asleep in the car screws up the whole day!
So nap by 2 I say will be good. and bed by 7 again. thats 4 hrs A time at night but i think he'l lbe fine.
good luck to us! and anyone else in my boat.