So lately I've noticed that at some feeds, Caeden is really loud and slurpy. It's hard to describe, but almost like if he's missing or something. Like if a grown up was tryign to suck something from a straw and the straw slips out and instead a big smacking noise at the roof of your mouth.
This is really hard to describe, but like every few sucks he makes a big smacking sound. Usually more at the beginning of the feed. But this doesn't happen every time. I have to pay attention to if there's any pattern to at which feeds it happens, but anyway, I just thought I'd ask... any clues?
I don't seem to notice any other feeding problems, supply seems ok, he's having tons of poo's and wet diapers, I haven't pumped at all since I was really engorged so I really have no clue about how much I'm producing or anything, but he's gaining well and seems to be satisfied after feeds (except for occasional problems burping or passing gas).
I could just be worrying about nothing, but I thought I'd throw it out to the BFing experts!