Author Topic: pumping now but want to start my little guy on formula  (Read 824 times)

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pumping now but want to start my little guy on formula
« on: March 11, 2008, 01:32:32 am »

I have a quick question, its been 7 months now that I have been pumping (long story short, he never wanted anything to do with my boobies after I started to loose milk, so I'm on meds to get my milk).  But because he is up soo much at night I want to quit pumping and give him more formula.  The little glitch is that he hates it.  Will not take it strait, and if its mixed he will eventually take it (after a LONG TIME OF PERSISTANCE).  He is on the 90% for weight (so its not like he is super skinny or anything).  Any ideas on how I can persuade him into drinking formula.  He is a rather picky eater he isn't soo hot on solids either (not sure if that plays a role in things).

I'm trying to get him on a 4 hr routine (not going so well).  So, I'm wondering if this would be too much change for him?

Any thoughts on this?
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Offline oilerbaby

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Re: pumping now but want to start my little guy on formula
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2008, 03:02:04 am »
I bottle fed all three and when switching them to cow's milk I would just start with one or two ounces at at time and gradually keep increasing (every week or so).  At that age they were eating around 8 ounces per bottle so I believe I just started at 6 formula, 2 milk and so forth... if he's really particular you could just start with one ounce and go from there increasing formula every ohter week.  Also started all three of mine on cow's milk at 9 months (in Canada they say 9-12 months but recommend 12) so depending on your thoughts on that you could just keep up with the breast milk and hold off for the switch to cow's milk... I don't think the solids plays a role in it though. 
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Offline jiz

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Re: pumping now but want to start my little guy on formula
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 20:34:21 pm »

oh no, i'm pumping breast milk for him, so i would love to switch him onto formula.  But I like your idea of increasing it every other week an ounce.

thank you :)
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Offline oilerbaby

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Re: pumping now but want to start my little guy on formula
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2008, 02:47:34 am »
No problem - let me know how he's doing!
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