I usually go in somewhere between 25 and 30 mins Nicole.
We are now back to swaddling one arm out for naps and nights and I am doing W2S at morning nap (and afternoon if morning one was rubbish). It has REALLY helped us get out of the OT cycle.
Naps are usually great one day and rubbish the next ... I can see no rhyme nor reason to it. I don't think that there is. I genuinely do think she is going thru some developmental stuff and I just need to hang in there clinging to my sanity
What I do know though, is that if she has a bit of a crib party during the night her morning nap is ALWAYS crap regardless of morning A time and that sets us up all wrong for the day. Hence the reason I do W2S.
((((Hugs))))) repeat after me ... 'whatever it is, it will pass'