Amelia always had her baby cereal with fruit puree until she started solids. Now at 14 mos breakfast is her favorite meal I think. (or as we call it...brekkie-doos!) We have a ww orgainic waffle (earth's best brand) with some fruit. OR cold cereal (cheerios or whatever) with milk. OR a bluberry pancake with yogurt, OR some toast with apple butter and yogurt. We always have fruit with breakfsat....watermelon, canteloupe, honeydew, blueberries, grapes....she LOVES her fruit. I do have to keep the fuit til the end though, hidden, or else she only wants the fruit. She likes earths best oatmeal, too....but will only have about 7 or 8 bites, then she wants no more for whatever reason. I serve it anyway, just because it's so good for her.....then when she gives up I offer her yogurt and toast or whatever.