Just wondered is anyone had any insights to the following problem - I had a rotten cold last week, and think I have given it to our 11 week old babymunkey. He is very snotty and sniffly - he's generally being a real soldier, and not complaining too mcuh, apart from feeding time.
He's off his food anyway, but when he is hungry, he seems to desperately want to feed, but bobs on and off the breast - I wondered if it is the lying down position of BFing that is causing his nose to fill with snot (pardon my frankness, but snot is snot lets face it!). Then he starts crying, which only makes is worse!
I have tried offering him a bottle, and had some success with 1 feed today - am I better off just expressing and bottle feeding for a few days? I'm just a bit worried, as his last full proper feed was last nights DF........
BabyMunkey's Mum