Author Topic: weaning questions?  (Read 633 times)

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weaning questions?
« on: March 13, 2008, 17:05:51 pm »
HI, I have a 10 month old and have started to wean and not sure about how to complete it!! He was feedign 4 times a day and I slowly cut out the 2 day feeds he took well to the first one did not miss it, the next one was a lot of crying and pulling at my shirt, I just gave him extra hugs and kisses and cuddles instead of feeding.  I have put him on cows milk and he finally is starting to drink it.  I still have the am feed and the bedtime feed, which do I do first, he seems like he is not ready as he wakes up panicking for the breast and calms right down, sometimes going back to sleep.

Do I wait longer or just do it?

ALso the bedtime one, he has been a night waker since birth , I have been doing pu/pd for 2/5 months and it has helped him going to sleep at naps and bedtime by himself, but he still wakes up 2-3 times a night, so I am worried this is going to get worse with cutting out the bedtime feed?

Thanks any advice will be greatly appreciated!!

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Re: weaning questions?
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2008, 17:09:20 pm »
I've got no help for the specific weaning questions, as we are still doing 4 bf's at 13 months.  However, if he's waking 2-3x per night, could he be OT or need his day routine tweaked?  I'd mess around with that a bit before dropping more feeds. (but as you can see, I'm not very proactive about weaning, LOL)
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Re: weaning questions?
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2008, 19:31:03 pm »
I too don't have any help for the weaning questions. lo has also always been a night waker too (he just turned 9 months.) 

Long story as to some previous solutions (and this may not be the board to post it) but recently I've made some changes to his routine (A times and naps) and he's no longer needing to nurse at night (will settle with out it) and he's actually only been waking once (a couple of nights NONE...yeah) for a quick resettle.  All he needed was a tweak in the routine and he's sleeping better than ever at night.

Post on one of the sleep boards...maybe they can help with the nw's.  I know those multiple nw's are exhausting.



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Re: weaning questions?
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2008, 14:09:06 pm »
I was reading this about cows milk and thought of you.  Not sure if you've gotten the blessing of your pediatrician or not, but this has some interesting information regarding introducing cows milk to babies under 12 months.
