Thanks Nicola - yes this is a tough old gig! Everyone told me how hard motherhood is - the funny thing is, I believed them but I still had
no idea how hard! Sorry to hear you're dealing with reflux - some friends' of mine LO has it and makes all their lives miserable when it's not under control.
Stanley only fed once in the night last night - hooray! - so for breakfast he had all of one (very full) side and I expressed straight afterwards from the other and got nearly 4oz so that's encouraging and a good start on tonight's DF. I'll try and express between feeds when he's happily occupied, and maybe at the beginning of naps (2hr naps, usually (fingers still crossed)) if I miss the A time window.
I guess all I can do is try. Thank goodness, he
will take a bottle (has done since 1 week old when hospital had me expressing every single feed so they could monitor his intake to the last ml for jaundice treatment - I was so scared he wouldn't go back to the breast, but like a little trooper he did). I hope I can 'catch up' with myself and get a few feeds in the freezer because I
do not want to have to cancel my day off, when Stan is with his Gran, because I haven't got enough milk in store! The thought of my long Monday nap - napping without keeping one ear open for a tiny boy - is all that gets me through sometimes!
I have more luck in the morning - maybe try at 8:30? Plenty of time before his 11 feed. I think you're doing good that he's on a 4 hour schedule, my son is 7.5 months and 3 to 3.5!
Thanks Liacarmen - you're right, mornings are best. I'll try for more mornings but sometimes I seem to not get a spare minute til the evening! I'm really lucky that Stan is very adaptable - he was wavering between 3.5 and 4 hours for a few days, so I said ok let's try the switch and go to 4 hrs - had to be careful about OT for a couple of days, but he's basically a textbook boy and just adapts. We're trying to wean off the swaddle now too. He's too tall for his miracle blankets and wakes himself up trying to break out!