Author Topic: is it bad to refreeze thawed breast milk?  (Read 2035 times)

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Offline VNW

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is it bad to refreeze thawed breast milk?
« on: March 15, 2008, 02:09:05 am »
Hi, I have a question. I know I read that you are never suppose to refreeze thawed milk that had already been in freezer, but I totally forgot and I might have done a bad thing....but maybe I didn't? I make my own baby food and I made mashed potatoes and thawed a bag of my milk to use as a thinner, well then I placed all my mashed potatoes in ice cubes trays and froze them all.  I had already given 4 to my 10 month old before I realized it might be a problem. She hasn't thrown up or been sick or anything to show signs that it would have affected her.  Does anyone know if I should throw those cubes away or if it's safe.  If it's not safe, than tell me why milk goes bad again?

« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 02:32:55 am by VNW »

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Re: is it bad to refreeze thawed breast milk?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 06:18:12 am »
You need to throw it away really. It's never recommended to refreeze frozen milk in any context. It's just because when you thaw the bacteria becomes active again and multiples ferociously. Then it mixes with the warm potato and multiples even more. Then you refreeze all this new bacteria.
At 10 months her immune system is much stronger than if she was under 6 months but it's still not worth it TBH. It's mashed potato at the end of the day and replaceable.
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Re: is it bad to refreeze thawed breast milk?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2008, 21:08:20 pm »
Samuel's Mum is right, of course. 

(However, I'd give it to a 10 month old of mine!  But then I am the world's worst person at throwing thing way... especially 'breast milk products'... and I tend to be a bit cavalier about these things!!)


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Re: is it bad to refreeze thawed breast milk?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2008, 21:17:45 pm »
ditto to PP ers throw it out its not recommended to refreeze any milk or food product the risks just far out weigh the worth in such situations

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Offline VNW

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Re: is it bad to refreeze thawed breast milk?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2008, 02:10:53 am »
thanks's interesting b/c I thought I would call and actually ask a lactation consultant, and she seemed to think it was fine.  Soooo I have continued to give these cubes and so far so good, but I will not ever make this mistake again! Hopefully I haven't caused some serious damage that I'll find out later! Yikes!