Hey Ruth,
Have just started my lo on solids too, he's been on them only a week now (he's 5 1/2 months but big and greedy). First gave them just before his 11am feed, as he's usually not starving then, and usually in a good mood. He seemed to like it so next day I gave it at breakfast before the bottle, again he took a little but the next day just wanted his bottle, so now I've switched to giving them after the bottle like everyone suggests. It still isn't great at breakfast, but I started giving him lunch yesterday as well, so 2 meals, and he wolfs it down at lunch, will only take 1/2tsp-1tsp at breakfast, but took 4tsp for me at lunch today (he's just been on very sloppy baby rice, but will start a new food tomorrow at breakfast). I think that as time goes on and he grasps the concept better, he'll probably take more at breakfast too.
His reaction to them is fairly mixed, first few trys he'll let me put the spoon into his mouth but won't look for them, then after about 10 minutes, he'll start opening his mouth and looking for them. I sit and eat with him so we have our meal together which he seems to like.
Routine (roughly):
7am bottle, 8/8.15am solids
11am bottle
12.30pm solids
3pm ish bottle
7pm bottle
8pm bed
10.30pm DF.
Don't think he has fully grasped the concept yet, but it's great fun and he seems to enjoy the whole ritual of eating with me. As he's younger than 6 months, I'm very careful of taking it slowly and let him guide me, it's reassuring to think that there's no rush and that the milk is still the main source of nutrition.
Best of luck!