Thanks for your vote of sympathy, Lis

I hope your LO doesn't end up catching a cold and that it's just the change of weather sniffles

Well, despite all our good efforts our little monkey refused point blank to sleep this afternoon

I managed to get him into bed just on the dot of 6 p.m. and I haven't heard a peep out of him since, touch wood. Hopefully he'll/we'll have a good night.
I just don't get why on one nap a day of up to 2.5 hrs, waking at about 2.30 and going to bed at about 7, that he can have NWs from being overtired - but when being awake from 11 a.m. (

) to nearly 6 p.m. he sleeps through?

Is it because the closest period to their night sleep is always the most restorative, meaning the A time between wake up and first nap needs to be the shortest?

I just re-read that and anyone who understands what I'm saying deserves a medal

What I mean is: is a shorter awake period in the a.m., even with a shorter nap and no p.m. sleep, much better than a longer awake period in the afternoon before night sleep???
If I can get the answer to that q'un then I will know how to tackle the 2 to 1 transition with my little guy! Eg, would it be better in his case to let him have a long morning nap, realising he won't take a p.m. nap any more and in that event put him to bed very early OR just stretch him out and let him nap as long as possible for a midday nap and still put him to bed very early?? In the event of scenario 1, when he starts to shorten his nap or faff around in going down, will that be the cue for pushing that nap back? What do I do if he happily keeps snoozing at that time for a while? Does that mean we're stuck with super early bedtimes?? Aaargghhhh.....

I already said I don't remember it being this difficult with DS1 but I think I've hit on why. With only one little guy to worry about, it's not really a drama - you can still devote all your time to their routine and it's even not so bad (within reason) having to attend to the NWs. BUT...with two I'm finding myself having to devote most of my time to the LO while my oldest (who is still very young) is left to fend for himself. I'm exaggerating, I know....I just feel that I'm losing time with him whilst having to sort out this nap mess with the little guy and having to keep saying "Mummy will be there in a minute, I'm just trying to put N to bed AGAIN". Now I'm skipping dinner with DS1 altogether as I'm having to bath and put DS2 to bed

Does anyone else feel this way??
Anyway, enough of the rant. Thanks for listening