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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2008, 12:07:57 pm »
Oh boy! I guess an early bedtime will help but I am in the same boat as you as DD Is waking up consistently at 6am! Last night didn't get to bed until 8 as we were at the in-laws for easter dinner (and excused ourselves at 6:30 to make sure we got home at a somewhat decent hour!).

OT is some kind of beast, isn't it?!
Mom of 2!! - DD: Dec 31, 2006 & DS: March 6, 2010

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2008, 13:57:17 pm »
I'm here purely to offer hugs and NO advice as I've never managed to get my ds out of EWs!!  :-[ From around 12months-2 1/2 years he got up at 5.27 on the dot EVERY day regardless of me watching for OT, tweaking naps and bedtimes to accomodate for when he was tired from nursery,and since then he's got up at 6.08 EVERY day!!! I suppose it's an improvement,but not much of one in my book!!!  ::) Consistent early mornings really take it out of you,and don't even get me started on the fact we still have night wakings too...let's just say he's not a sleeper!! And of course,being spirited he's soooooo easy to handle during the day too,not. Arrrgggghhhh!!!! Oops,sorry for the rant,I'm tired!!  ;D Good luck,hope you get it sorted.xxxx
Jen, proud mummy to my sleeping angel baby 9 weeks 16.12.07 and

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2008, 19:49:35 pm »
Hi girls!
Yes these EWs are certainly a pain in the bum - oh for a LO who slept til 8 :P
Today was an even bigger disaster than I expected as he didn't fall asleep in the car on the way home and was soo OT it took until 2.00pm to get him down for his nap :o
He slept for 2 hours and then bed at 7.30 so goodness knows what tomorrow morning holds ::)

I can't wait for the clocks to change - I'm going to keep BT the same so it will be bed at 8.00/8.30 and hopefully awake at 7/7.30ish.
Are you not tempted to do the same?
How's the snow where you are Jen?

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2008, 20:01:28 pm »
Yes I think I'll try!! Not much snow here,dh is ecstatic,he's a big misery guts and hates the snow!!!!  ::) My dad bless him came round today and said,"I had a little look at that babywhisperer book the other day (  :o !!!!) isn't there anything in there that can help? I've never heard of a child consistently sleeping so badly"!!!!! I think he was trying to help,bless him!! To be honest it's so engrained in Matthew I'm resigned to it being his body clock,but for us it's been going on for over 2 years now-as Nicholas used to wake later there's every chance you'll be able to get him back into it. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :-*
Jen, proud mummy to my sleeping angel baby 9 weeks 16.12.07 and

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2008, 05:58:51 am »
Hi Jen!
Aww, how sweet about your dad reading BW book - he's obviously worried about you!
How often are Matthew's NWs? And what do you do when he wakes? I'm only asking cos I definitely had the worst sleeper in the world - until  the end of last year! But, (dare I type it?!) N has been sleeping really well since then!
He has always been a 6.30 boy, so I don't think I'm ever going to get a 'normal' wake up! He hears DH getting up and wants to be with dad ::)
I agree with you, it's ingrained in their little body clocks. I'm ok with 6 or 6.30 since he's sleeping through, but anything before 6 is not on!
Btw, where are you in England? I'm soo looking forward to our 6 week hol in July - yippee!

Hi Stacy!
Thanks for your post  - interesting reading and definitely food for thought! I think you're right about finding that 'magic' balance. Once we've knocked the really EWs on the head, I will have a play around with naps and BTs.

Interesting that Kaleb, who's just 1 mo older than N, is doing some days with no naps. I hadn't even thought about NOT napping - wow, that's a scary thought! I would be willing to try shortening naps though to see if that makes a difference.

Yesterday was a messed up day, as I explained. He did a 2 hour nap from 2 - 4 and then bed at 7.30, asleep for 7.40 and woke at 6.20 - so 10 hrs 45 last night. Not half as bad as I expected!!
On a normal day, he does 6.30 wake / 12.30 - 2.30 nap / 7.30 asleep
Maybe I could try later BT by 30 mins to see if this has any affects wake up?
I will see how we go with the time change and go from there!

Hi Mama2c,
How was your night? What time did DD wake up?

My only consolation is that when we do decide to TTC again I think it will really be a piece of pi## as I know EXACTLY what NOT to do now!
I'm visualising the perfect baby that sleeps, naps, feeds and cr@ps all on time!!
When I stop to think about all the AP I did with N - I cringe!  But I didn't know any different. I had no help here and I didn't find BW until N was 13 mo!

Anyway girls, thanks again for your valuable advice! keep it coming!
   :-* :-* :-*

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2008, 10:04:19 am »
I'm the same!!! My niece is through and through angel,sleeps 12 hours at night every night since about 2 months old,even when she's skipped naps!!  :o I've decided I'm definitely ordering one of those next!!!  ;D

Now he's older he specifically asks for something. He gets a sweaty head in bed so sometimes wants a sip of drink,or the toilet (he's out of pull ups overnight now) or lost his teddy and needs help finding it. So he goes back to sleep straight after-we worked really really hard on shh/pat,pu/pd,wi/wo at various times so he's golden at going to sleep independantly-but it's still broken sleep kwim? He was up at 5.40 today and came into us as normal. We normally just chill out in bed and play or watch some tv but he went right back to sleep until 7!!!!!! Totally unheard of for him,hope he's not poorly.

His normal routine is 6.10 wake with 1 1/2 hr nap around 12.30 then 8-8.30 max bt. Nursery days he's pooped from a tiny nap so goes to bed around 6.30-6.45. HTH.

We're in the West Midlands,basically south birmingham. That's really exciting you're coming over for 6 weeks!! Where are you staying?
Jen, proud mummy to my sleeping angel baby 9 weeks 16.12.07 and

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2008, 14:02:57 pm »
Oh... to have had a perfect sleeper like that ::) And I bet your sis/bruv doesn't even realise how lucky they are! It's normal for them! Were they fab parents in that they never did AP? Or just blessed with a super angel babe?
With Matthew - you can't really call them NWs can you - bless him! I mean at least he knows what he wants! Not like N who just moaned/cried  (with increasing volume), Mummy...Mummy.. Mummy ::)
Also 'wow' to Matthew being out of pull ups at night - that's really good going!  You must be very proud of him!  We've just started with the potty - but if you pardon the pun - it's very hit and miss!!

It's lovely when they snuggle up with you in the mornings - and even better if they go back to sleep ;D That doesn't happen here very often either!
We had a nap of 2 hrs.10 after lunch. I was going to wake him up after 1 hr.30, but I had a little lie down and passed out until I heard him calling at 2.30 - oops!

Just as well really cos we're going out this afternoon and may be a bit late back. It's N's godfather's daughter's Name Day today. Everyone here is named after a Saint when they are baptised and consequently have a Name Day. Today is Saint Evangelos day!! Generally, these days are celebrated more than a birthday and as today is a national holiday too - we all got a day off ;D
Of course the party doesn't even start until 7.30 ish ::). but we are going as early as we can (gotta wait until kids are up from their super naps at 6 ::)) As always, we will be the first to arrive and the first to leave!!

When we come over in July, we will be all over England! I seemed to have been roped in to doing everybody's 'stuck' weeks during school hols :D
So I'll be 2 weeks in Nottingham with sis. I week in Manchester with BF and the rest of time in Bedfordshire at Mum's with my bruv 's twins! Can't wait! ;D

Lis  :-*

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2008, 20:41:10 pm »
Lots of ap from my sister actually,Becca's 11 months and still nursing to sleep-just blessed with a ridiculously angelic baby,not that I'm bitter of course lol!!!  ;D I must admit Foo COULD drop the nap most of the time and get by on an earlier bedtime but I've got a hideous half term coming up-5 1/2 weeks of musicals (gigging every night) in a 7 week half term.  :( So will probably readdress after then. Mind you,the EWs have been going on so long it prob won't make much difference anyway.  ::) Hope you have a good time at the name day and that he's not hyped up by all the excitement when you get back.
Jen, proud mummy to my sleeping angel baby 9 weeks 16.12.07 and

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2008, 09:55:44 am »
Lucky, lucky, lucky Sis, Jen!!

Well, here the week of earlier nap/earlier BT have paid off and we've had 3 mornings of 6.25 ;D
So now we're going to slowly move back to 12.30/7.30 and see what happens ;)

We're also thinking of keeping BT the same when clocks change - so that then will be 7.30/1.30/8.30  hmmmmm???
I'll keep you posted!
Lis  :-*

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2008, 13:49:35 pm »
Yay,that's much more manaegeable!! I'm with you,although it's still early as long as it starts with a 6 and not a 5 then that's ok!!
Jen, proud mummy to my sleeping angel baby 9 weeks 16.12.07 and

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2008, 19:54:06 pm »
How are things going Lis?

My homebirthed, hypnobirthed, waterbirthed everything. 27th Sept '07, 6lb 10oz. Proud to have breastfed for 19 months!

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2008, 11:27:17 am »
Hi Angela!
How are you 3?
Well, our early wakings have stopped after doing a week's worth of early naps and BTs.
We also kept N on the same time when the clocks changed last weekend - so instead of 6.30/ 12 - 2/ 7.30, we now have 7.30/1-3/8.30
It's so nice to have a bit of a lie-in in the mornings!

Having said that we had a terrible night last night with the beginning of a cold/cough which this morning had turned into a very wheezy, chesty cough.

A trip to the Drs and we have a mild dose of bronchitis!!! There's always something!

I feel a bit pi$$ed off with everything here (as I do from time to time!) - think it was to do with all the running around from one Dr to another this morning -grrrr (but that's another story!) and I suppose plus the sleepless night - sigh!
I told DH on the phone that I hated this f@#$ing country and had a good old cry!!! OOpps!

What have you been up to? How's Josh?

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2008, 15:26:14 pm »
Oh you poor thing!!!  :-* :-* :-* It must be hard living in a foreign country sometimes....lovely for a holiday, but totally different when you have to live there! I presume you speak Greek then? If so, much respect to you woman, that is one HARD language  :P

Glad the ew's have improved, sorry little N is poorly  :( Its never nice seeing them ill, especially when sleep deprivation is involved.

We are all good thanks. We've had our own problems with ew's.....about 2-3 weeks of waking at 6am which was fun! I tried EVERYTHING and nothing made a when the clock went forward, I though brilliant, problem solves, 6am wakeup becomes 7am.....WRONG!!! 6am on the button the day after  ::) So, we shortened his naps, so now he gets no more than  3 3/4 hrs daytime sleep and that seems to have solved the problem. Although saying that he woke at 6 this morning....think he was OT though as naps were rubbish yesterday but for some reason I didnt compensate with an early BT. His top two teeth are coming through now so he's a bit grumpy in the day, but nothing too bad.

We have a friends cat staying with us atm.....this cat went missing 14 months ago, and someone took it to the local vets on satuday. She said it had been living under her wendy house for 2 months. She's been feeding him, but he started fighting with her cats so she took it to the vet (he's microchipped). This was in a village about 3 miles away, and across a motorway to boot!  Sods law, my friend is away for the week! They wanted to charge her nearly £200 for keeping the cat for her, so she rang me and i'm cat sitting. He's very affectionate., but BOY does he stink....he keeps doing the eggiest trumps in the world, my house smells like a sewer!!!  :o :P

Anyway, lovely to hear form you, hope little N gets better soon and you all get some sleep  :-*

My homebirthed, hypnobirthed, waterbirthed everything. 27th Sept '07, 6lb 10oz. Proud to have breastfed for 19 months!

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2008, 05:17:13 am »
We are both feeling much better today thanks!

After we got back from Drs, I gave N his puffers and some other drops prescibed by the Dr, and put N down for his nap. He was still asleep when I left for work and slept for 3 hours!!
DH said that when he woke he was like our normal little N!! No wheezing at all and right as rain!
Actually, he's done this twice before - been REALLY wheezy one day and totally normal the next - strange - eh? I don't know if bronchitis can come and go that quickly?

He also slept 11 hrs straight last night, so we have our normal Forrest Gump/Tigger combination today!!!

Aww, poor Joshy (do you call him that? My friend calls her Josh, Joshy sometimes!) I don't know - there's always something isn't there?  Teeth, colds, Nws, EWs and if you have 2 together it's hard!

LOL about your friend's cat and his eggy trumps!! I bet he was just glad of some home comforts after being on the road for 14 months!

Doc said no nursery this week, so we're off into town to do some food shopping and go to the park - it's a lovely summer's day today!
It was so nice to hear from you yesterday and it couldn't have come at a better time - I was so p#$$ed off!
Keep in touch,
Lots of kisses,
Lis and Nicholas

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Re: EWs - what should I do?
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2008, 08:09:03 am »
Glad you're both feeling
Jen, proud mummy to my sleeping angel baby 9 weeks 16.12.07 and