So glad you're both feeling better! Weird that N improved so quick...especially being male, they usually drag it out as long as possible LOL.
Wow 11 hours sleep thats pretty good going! Josh had about 12 1/2 last night

As I mentioned, yesterday he was awake at 6 so I made sure he was in bed for half 6 last night. He woke up when I was dream feeding him at 10 (Ben woke him up by coming in and asking me where the poop scoop was to clean out the kittys litter tray....even though i;d told him exaclty where it was 10mins bfefore

)...he was happy though, Ben wasnt home in time to do his bath last night so when he heard his voice he was like daaaadddyyyyyyyy!!!!

massive grins bless him. He went back to sleep pretty quick, the didnt wake until almost 7 this morning! Such a good boy

I call him all sorts...Josh, Joshy, Oink, Baby J.....sometimes little B**ger

I totally agree, there is always something going on to throw a spanner in the works....we're not to bad atm, up until about 4.5 months it was one thing after another stopping him from sttn.....wind, hunger, the dummy, OT....and i'm sure there will be something else soon! Just enjoying the sleep while I can. I have no idea how I functioned when he wasnt sleeping

Lovely sunny day today here too. Weather has been very weird.....friday/saturday was pretty much t shirt weather, then sunday it snowed!!! Actually sunday morning we got woken up at 7am on the dot by a MAHOOSIVE thunder clap...was lucky actually, think we all would have overslept otherwise!
The cat is still trumping

He does nothing but sleep, eat and trump. Oh and poop. I never know cats could poop so much. People who have indoor cats must be MAD!
Glad you're not as P*$$ed off anymore...or not as much anyway!

Love and hugs,
Ang & Baby J (Aka Joshua, Josh, Joshie & Oink

) xxxx