my DD is almost 5 mo. we've been doing easy for two weeks. in the last 3 days, she has wanted to nurse before napping. she is teething, but also her weight gain had slowed for about 4 weeks, so i wonder if this is a growth spurt. maybe she is just hungrier because she is VERY active. i have fed her on one breast before napping, but i dont let her fall asleep. of course, this irritates her but she still manages to fall asleep properly (sweet pea.) in BWSAYP, she says have BF babies "feed longer." we all know when our babies are done, they're done. i could sit there for an hour and if she doesnt want it, its not happening. so, how do you increase daytme calories for your LO without knocking EASY all out of whack and turning her (back) into a snacker. right now, we've had to do a bit of EAESY and its been fine, but any suggestions would be great. thanks.