I try to give her quiet time... I've tried keeping her in her room... she escalates to the point where she'll wake Hayden up unless I intervene. I've tried having her in my room with me, watching a dvd while I'm on BW, keep reminding her its quiet time, mommy needs quiet time too, etc., but once she's done with that (20 minutes unless she's somehow fallen asleep), she's raring to go all over again.
Today I got so ticked off with her, Hayden was up between 3 and 5 this morning, Maren was up at 6, during Hayden's afternoon nap I was so sure Maren would nap too, she was exhausted. And I was too!! Instead of giving in to it, she became loud and unreasonable and when I told her it was quiet time she screamed so loud at me that she woke Hayden up. I went and resettled Hayden (no easy task anymore, since pat/shh is now irritating to her) and when I went back into my room where Maren was, she was cheeky with me so I told her that was it, we were going downstairs because she wasn't behaving and I didn't want to wake Hayden up so she screamed even louder (but was laughing at the same time, totally infuriating to me) So I took her downstairs where she continued to scream until Hayden was fully awake... In the meantime, DH is mowing our lawn (during naptime

) I put her shoes on her, marched her outside and handed her off to daddy. I'd had it. Aggravation on top of 4 hours of sleep, and I lost it. DH sensed I needed away from Maren time, so he had her 'help' with the yard work and then they went and got me a tea at the timmie's drive thru.
Anyways, she tantrummed herself to sleep tonight, completely OT, I'm bagged, I'm gonna head to bed soon. Don't have the slightest idea what to do besides some form of sedation (JUST KIDDING!!!) I try putting her down early on the days she has no nap but she parties until even past her normal bedtime.
Any thoughts on how to handle this are much appreciated!!