Deb, here's some labor vibes for you ~~~~~~~~~easy, soon labor~~~~~~~~ TBH, I fussed about Maren's naps more obsessively than normal when I was pg too, I think it's a little hormonal. Hopefully it won't seem as confounding when you get back to being 'you'.

Where in Canada are you? I'm on Vancouver Island, it's hot here too.
Maren napped once in Disneyland for a 1/2 hour. Considering there were many late nights and early days, she did pretty well. However, she did nap at daycare again for 2 hours yesterday and was back to being Miss Q.T. Pie. Today, not so much on either count. I swear she is sooooo much better behaved when she naps, but she's decided it's not ever going to happen again. I don't know what I'm going to do when she's a teenager.