Author Topic: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2  (Read 33517 times)

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #270 on: May 29, 2008, 16:40:55 pm »
We work and play outside basically all day long only coming in for some meals, sometimes he has his lunch on his small picnic table. We do supper as a family on our patio. We have a pool too, so loads of fresh air and activity. The last week N has been playing outside until 7:30pm and he knows this is when he has to come in and he watches In the Night Garden or Little Bear. He has a snack and a bath then bed by 8-8:15. He is ready for his bed, no arguments, I think he falls asleep in about a half hour give or take 10 min. He wakes usually between 7:15-7:45am. I put him in my room with TV for rest/nap time at 12:45 and he usually sleeps 1.5 hours. The days he does 2 hour nap, bed is more like 8:30pm and asleep by 9pm which I don't mind in the summer.  If he only goes in and rests no sleep, his bed is 7:30. He asks to come in for nap, he is truly tired these days. Sometimes we do nap in buggy but not too much lately as he is willing to come in and chill and generally falls asleep during his tv rest time. I don't let him sleep past 3pm.

Offline marensmama

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #271 on: May 31, 2008, 20:46:21 pm »
UGH.  Maren napped yesterday and why I even bother, I'll never know.  She farted around alternating sweetness and screaming demands until 9, then was up at 6  I woke with what I can only describe as the worst case of PMS in the history of the world, tired after nights of NW and EW from deswaddling Hayden.  Today she is a little monster who knows every button to push to drive Mommy around the bend.  I even tried to get her to nap just so I could have some peace and she just ended up throwing a fit that woke up Hayden.  Grrrr.  Sorry for the rant. :(
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #272 on: June 01, 2008, 02:50:11 am »
Wow, am I in a bad mood today or what!?  I think some venom dripped off that last post!  Sorry!  Our day did not get any better, in fact, I put the little darling to bed 40 minutes early, she's still yelling for one more story, song, glass of water (there's one in her room), a tissue (there's a box on her dresser).  I told her she can yell as loud as she wants, I'm not going back in her room for one more anything and I'd see her in the morning.  Lovely. :-\
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #273 on: June 01, 2008, 03:22:38 am »
HUGS marensmama, it will all be better tommorow!  :-* :-*

I have already felt myself getting anxious about EASY---aargh told myself wouldn't do it this time around...
Cohen is doing great! but he does like a pacifier--looks for it and sucks around when he is tired...we were out for supper and Cohen woke to eat about 6, ended up being awake from then until 8:30 when he fell asleep eating of course--we had forgotten the paci at home.

Noah was up singing twinkle little star last night 4am -5am --I think woke from Cohen crying, so anyway a bit of a sleep in til 8am. nothing new really.
Noah---January 30th, 2006
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Offline marensmama

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #274 on: June 01, 2008, 03:56:55 am »
OK, well I had a long hot shower and all is quiet upstairs.  Gave me a chance to put it all into perspective.  DH was out in the yard ALL day, and I was so tired from Hayden's NW and EW that I think we just lost sight that Maren is just a toddler who can't sleep for some reason.  She's not doing this to bug us and on any other day it may not have bugged us this much.  When we were out in the yard together she was a doll and she listened very well when we went shopping for party supplies for her.  We just caught up in the negativity of the day and she fed off of it.  My bad.  At least she'll give us another chance tomorrow to deal with it better.

Deb, thanks for the hugs.  Right back at ya, these early days are tough so don't get too worked up about Cohen's EASY.  The upside, however is that now you have something to worry about other than Noah's naps! ;)
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #275 on: June 04, 2008, 09:31:34 am »
we had day 2 of no nap today (even though she was at daycare, and they layed her down, she just didn't sleep).

Coincidentally, today was the happiest I ahve seen her for a few weeks, maybe she needs this change now? We were accepting short nights to keep the nap, but they got down to 9 hours, which just wasn't working for me, seems maybe it wasn't working for her either.

Lovely to have my evening back!
Rina - Mum to Zara 29/3/06
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Offline marensmama

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #276 on: June 04, 2008, 16:21:28 pm »
Maren had a nap yesterday but woke up psychotic, kicking, screaming, flailing, had the worlds biggest tantrum about her pants being changed (didn't want to even though she had a poo ::) ).  Once we got that sorted out, I didn't even try to put her to bed until 8:15, she went straight to sleep and she slept until 7 so that wasn't too bad.  I've decided that no nap is really best, maybe a couple a week only if needed and have pulled out the big girl panties.  This girl needs to be potty trained!!  She's resisted every effort I've made but pants changes have become a huge battle and I'm tired of fighting over it.  So we started last night (since she refused to put pants back on after the fit), and had some success then and all pees have been in the potty this morning.  So far so good. :)
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #277 on: June 04, 2008, 16:44:50 pm »
normal day yesterday, woke about 7 and napped 1-2:15, asleep at 8:30 last night...

but wth? awake at 5:45 talking away, demading me at 6:15--told him to go back to sleep or no play group and he was quiet til 6:55----but honeslty I highly doubt he went back to sleep....made him stay his room til 7:30 as to not wake Cohen...

not sure so I am trying for an early nap but he usually resists them.
Noah---January 30th, 2006
Cohen-May 22, 2008
Julia-August 14, 2013

Offline Katet

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #278 on: June 05, 2008, 03:09:52 am »
Nicole given Maren's age, tell her what my SIL did with her DD1 (who resisted TT) You will be 3 soon & to be 3 you need to do all your wee's & poos in the big toilet (or potty if you prefer) & so we better start practicing... worked a treat for them (they'd had 3 attempts), being 3 was a big thing with ds#2... he even told the swim teacher that as he was 3 he could swim by himself which BTW he did & wow'd everyone, we also got rid of his bed rail & high chair (used without a tray sitting at the table, but he liked it... I was sick of it so told him 3yo don't need it & it was refused the day of his Birthday)

Naps around here still happening about every 2nd day & even ds1 is napping 2x week at the moment & (hope not jinxing) but all going ok.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline marensmama

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #279 on: June 05, 2008, 04:32:23 am »
Thanks Katet.  We had great success today on the potty.  All pees were in the potty, one poo accident (she asked for a pull-up so she knew it was coming but got distracted and then ended up going in the panties).  She even ran to the potty herself several times, saying she had to go and peed.  And stopped after a quick dribble in her pants and ran to the potty.  Yay!  ;D ;D ;D

Had a bit of a fit tonight, was so tired (no nap) and had swimming lessons late.  I'm sure she'll nap at daycare tomorrow!  Overall though, I think that she was quite pleased with herself for the control she had over her body.  I really believe she'll be a happier girl once this process is over.  :)
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #280 on: June 12, 2008, 11:02:54 am »
Hi all - sorry I haven't posted in a long time and hope you all are well. Will spend a bit of time this morning trying to read through/catch up.

Do DD hasn't been napping too often. When she doesn't she's pretty shot and cranky/not listening, etc by dinner time, asleep between 745-8:30 and usually sleeps 11.5-12.5 hours. But after not napping for at least 4 days in a row, yesterday she woke at 7am, napped from 1:30-2:30 (I woke her) and fell asleep for the night somewhere around 8:40, I think (maybe later) - was in her crib a little after 8. Woke this morning at 6:40 so only 10 hours or less night sleep - which usually leaves her cranky.

Do you think I should cut nap to one hour again? Shorter? Usually when she gets a car nap (when running errands on weekend and all) it's about an hour or just over and doesn't seem to affect her night sleep as much but I know car naps aren't as deep. She was in a much better mood after the one hour nap but not so much now - ideally she needs at least 10.5 hours at night.

TIA - big hugs to you all too!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline Casseopea

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #281 on: June 13, 2008, 00:02:12 am »
Hello all.  My little one is almost 28 months and he has been skipping or pushing back his nap for almost two weeks now.  I don't think that he is ready to go to no nap but I am not sure.  There have been a couple of days where he has missed a nap due to circumstances and has been cranky.  However, on the days that he does take a nap he falls asleep so late that I have to wake him up within 30-60 minutes so that it doesn't affect his bedtime.  I would love any suggestions.  Here is a breakdown of his day.

7:30-8am Awake
8am Breakfast
12pm Lunch
*He used to sleep from about 1-3pm*
2:30/2:45-3:30pm Nap- I wake him up at 3:30pm.
6pm Dinner
7:30pm Bedtime Routine
8pm Bedtime
8:30-9pm Asleep

Thanks.   :)

Offline debo620

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #282 on: June 13, 2008, 02:43:18 am »
Kimberly....doesn't seem like your days are that bad with a nap..

personally I feel that if you are getting at least 10---alhough it looks more like 11hrs at night then the nap is ok...just have him awake by a "that" time and go from there..

we are struggling right now because of some EW---some less then 10hr nights and I'm not sure if they are OT related or too long of a nap related..(even though the nap is only 1hr15min tops).. :P

Noah---January 30th, 2006
Cohen-May 22, 2008
Julia-August 14, 2013

Offline Casseopea

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #283 on: June 13, 2008, 04:44:00 am »
Thanks Deb.  Sometimes someone else's perspective is exactly what is needed.   :)

He didn't fall asleep until almost 3pm today and I woke him at 3:30, though I think he fell back asleep until about 3:45 and boy was he hard to wake up.  But he did seem to go down for bed pretty easily and was asleep by normal time.  So, maybe we'll just stick with this for now.  I have been putting him down anywhere between 1-2pm and letting him play or chat in his bed until he falls asleep- mainly because *I* need the downtime.   :-\

Offline aisling

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Re: Support for Dropping That Last Nap, Thread #2
« Reply #284 on: June 13, 2008, 11:37:23 am »
Kimberly, that pretty much sums us up too!

A x