You know - I was driving yesterday thinking about this whole blankie thing... first, because they are still her baby teeth, is it still going to cause problems? I mean, does sucking her finger now with baby teeth make her permanent adult teeth wreck as well? Second... I sucked my finger for years and then switched over to my thumb and sucked my thumb until I was twelve and my teeth are find - no buck teeth and they are perfectly straight. But my dd2 had a soother until she was 2 1/2 ish and one of the reasons we wanted to take it away was because of her front teeth, they weren't really buck per say but when she closed her mouth (molars touching at the back) there was about a 1cm gap inbetween the top and bottom front. We "forgot" her soother at Grandma's house and she didn't even ask for it again and over the next 6 months her teeth shifted back into their proper place and now her teeth are fine (she's 5 1/2). AND I don't think you' being neurotic at all!