Dd doesnt move too much but she still likes it on, only have one on one side as bed against the wall. She has made the odd comment or 2 that it stops her falling out though she never even goes near it. When we moved back here in January she stayed in a bigger single bed in the hotel for a week and got out of it 2, seemed to be sleep walking according to my sil who was sharing the room with her so I am in no hurry to remove it.
She will though have to sleep in my Mums house for 3 weeks this Summer without one, though I am half thinking of asking my sister to lend me hers. On the other hand it would be a good time to get rid of it but on the other, if she wants to sleep with it until she is 10 so be it as long as she sleeps. Only reason I moved her out of a cot and sleeping bag at 2 yrs 8 months was cos I needed them for ds, other wise she would prob still be in both :-)