He was going to bed around 6.30-6.45.
I desperately tried to get him to have a nap yesterday after lunch, but no chance. He goes to pre-school at 1.15 until 2.45, so we had an earlier lunch and I tried to get him to have a nap after that, but no!! He just didn't seem tired. He had dinner at the table at 5pm (or just a bit before) and he was nodding off while he was waiting for it. He was fine when his dinner came to the table, I bathed him and then he went to bed at 6.45. He woke at 6.15 this morning.....yey!! But, he did wake 4 times in the night. Twice, he was calling out in his sleep, so he didn't actually wake, but the other times, I just said to lie down and he rolled over and went to sleep. So, I'm not sure if he's waking up from dreams?
Anyway, he (and me!) have woken up a different child today, he's lovely!!!!
We're going out with some friends tonight (early) for a curry, so he's going to have a later night tonight. We'll probably be back for 8.30, so I plan to pick him up from play school and drive until he drops off, so he at least has a nap today!!
I know that you probably still think a 6.45 bedtime is too late, but he was really happy last night before he went to bed, he didn't look tired at all. He was driving around on his car, when I took him to bed I read him 3 stories and he was still awake (not like the previous night, he didn't manage to stay awake through one!) and then he rolled over and said night night and cuddled up to his lion, but his eyes were still open. I didn't hear a peep from him until 1.00am.
I'm so confused!! I soooooo enjoyed being woken at 6am though!!!!!!! If only he would stick to it!!
Rachel xx