Hi! New to the boards, so hope somebody can help us out here!
DS is now 8 months old and great! The problem I'm asking about is his fluids intake. At the moment, he has just 500ml a day. He has 3 bottles, a large one (approx 200ml) in the morning, half a bottle (about 100-130ml) as a snack, and another approx 200-240ml at bedtime. The problem is that he often wakes us in the night with a VERY wet nappy! We change him and he usually goes back to sleep again, but I'm wondering, is his final bottle too great a quantity? He has porridge before bed too as part of his routine, should we increase the amount we give him, so that he won't want his whole big bottle of formula?
The other idea I had was that maybe his food is "too mushy". Any ideas anybody?! I can't find an answer to this anywhere in any books or even on the web (so far anyway!)
Thanks a lot!